Help Paul Morel gather signatures

As I’ve previously noted, Milwaukee small businessman Paul Morel is challenging incumbent Rep. Gwen Moore in the Democratic primary for the seat Rep. Moore holds here in the fourth Congressional district. Now that we’ve reached June 1st, Paul’s asking for some help in gathering the signatures he’ll need to get on the ballot for the September primary:

The first week of my signature gathering campaign has gone well. Many people have responded and are in the process of gathering the 1000- 2000 signatures I need to get on the ballot for Wisconsin’s 4th Congressional District seat.

If you haven’t already done so, you can help my campaign in three ways:

First, I am seeking volunteers to gather nomination signatures from eligible Wisconsin voters in the 4th District. If you can gather 10 – 20 signatures each it would be a big step toward collecting the minimum of 1000 signatures. Signatures may be gathered between June 1st and July 13th. However, I ask that you try to send them in before June 28th.

NOTE: The Milwaukee Public Library system welcomes candidates and their supporters to gather signatures outside their buildings. Other libraries may do this as well.

Please click on this link to download a PDF with the papers and instructions:

You can also find a link to the papers on my campaign website at at the bottom of the page under the “Resources” heading.

Second, please email the nomination papers to everyone you know in the district and ask that they do the same thing. With just a little help you will help place me on the ballot and give people a choice of priorities and direction for 4th District and the U.S.

Third, on September 14th at the Democratic Primary, vote for Paul Morel.


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