best wishes for a speedy recovery….

I am wishing best wishes for a speedy recovery to the Dark Lord Dick Cheney….I hope his taxpayer funded heart surgery went very well and he can get back out on the trail fighting to make sure noone else gets the same benefit of great care and life that he has gotten…..


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6 thoughts on “best wishes for a speedy recovery….

  1. I think it’s just plain wrong to make a political snide statement when the man has such a serious surgery.

    While it’s scary this guy was one heartbeat away from the presidency, that doesn’t excuse stopping this low.

  2. I disagree. He is allowed to live because he was given the absolute best care free of charge on the public dime. When he recovers he will again be working to make sure that no one else has that opportunity…..

    1. I’ll just agree to disagree. I don’t think crossing the line over such a serious event is acceptable. Attack his policies sure, but to take advantage of something like this is just plain wrong.

  3. I’ll use the phrase so often used on this blog, “Stay classy, Proud Progressive.”

    Politics shouldn’t pervade everything. You need to recognize he’s just an individual that has different ideas than you, not some “Dark Lord”. Why do you have to hate? When Bill Clinton had heart surgery, I had genuine concern for the MAN who served the country as president. I wasn’t thinking about how I disagreed with his policies.

    I didn’t catch the part in the Maddow link where it says his surgery was paid by the government. But assuming that’s the case, it’s a benefit earned from his employer. But if it’s a problem, I suggest we go the other way and eliminate these perks, rather than extend a bogus government benefit to more people. Do you live in reality? Who do you suggest pay for everyone’s health care?

    And if you are talking hypocrisy in this regard, how about President Obama (among other liberals) sending their kids to swanky private schools, while poor DC kids are stuck in delapitated public schools. Isn’t that taking advantage of a beneift while making sure no one else gets the same great care that they have gotten? I guess those schools are good enough for a photo op, just not to send his kids there.

    1. It goes both ways. I agree this wasn’t an appropriate thing to say, but on the same token which schools the President chooses for his children is a totally different issue than the condition of the public schools.

  4. Who amoung you work in the medical field. No one, then I assume you know nothing about health care, medicare, or medicaid. First of all it is unlikely that medicare would pay the full price of a left ventricular assist device. These devices are extremely expensive and only selective universities would have the knowledge to implant them.

    Second why wouldn’t he use the medicare benefits he paid for.

    Medicare is by logarithmic scale worse than any private insurance company in terms of paying for procedures and the amount of hassle we as physicians have to go through in terms of paperwork.

    Medicare physician payment is 40% lower than any other insurer. Just wait, physicians all over this country are no longer accepting medicare. This is catching on fast and will be put in overdrive in a few years.

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