Ron Johnson’s friend Dick Morris calls Sen. Feingold a transvestite

Over at the Liberty’s Logic blog, “Soapbox Jill” has a recap of the Sheboygan Freedom Rally that took place on September 4, and in her recap one can find this nugget, courtesy of noted prostitute enthusiast Dick Morris (emphasis mine):

Nationally known multi-faceted political commentator/analyst/writer Dick Morris dove right into the Wisconsin scene. “For Russ Feingold to pose as a moderate, as an independent…my goodness, it shows how far we’ve come when Russ Feingold tries to dress up like us. But that act of transvestitism is going a little far even for Greenwich Village and San Francisco – or Madison.”

Considering the fact that Dick Morris is the whole reason Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson got into the U.S. Senate race in the first place, I can’t help but wonder if Ron Johnson agrees with Dick Morris’ remarks about Sen. Feingold. Some enterprising reporter should ask Johnson what he thinks of his B.F.F. Dick Morris’ comments, though given Johnson’s track record of avoiding the media, I’m betting Johnson’s campaign will do their best to stonewall any inquiries.

Just in case “Soapbox Jill” tries to flush Dick Morris’ comments down the memory hole, here’s a screenshot of the comments on her blog entry (click to embiggen):

The Chief and capper have their own takes on this.


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6 thoughts on “Ron Johnson’s friend Dick Morris calls Sen. Feingold a transvestite

  1. Of all the ridiculousness of all of these rallies, the one thing that drives me the most insane is that Bob Bozo would sully the name of Thomas Paine at these things. Paine would have nothing but disdain for these things!

  2. You liberals have no sense of humor nor sense of figurative language. You take everything literally either because you are uneducated or just too dead serious. Yet you have had plenty of laughs about the likes of Rush or Bush. tsk tsk you can dish it out but not take it

    1. Dick Morris is a prostitute-loving scumbag, and the fact that he’s celebrated as some sort of hero by the right wing speaks volumes.

      1. Guess he was an Okay kind of scumbag as long as he was helping out Bill Clinton, but not once he changed his way of thinking. I don’t celebrate him, but at times thought he had an interesting insight since he played on both sides (politically speaking of course).

  3. Wait, what constitutes being a friend? Until guys like you disavow real and close associations like Rev. Jeremiah Wright, why should we pay any attention to posts like this? Morris was using a metaphor in jest. Wright said “G– D—- America” among other things. And he wasn’t joking.

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