…but this is one of those times:
[V]oters didn’t elect these guys because they were incensed about Voter ID. Yes, many folks are appalled when they needn’t present a drivers license to vote. But is that the origin of the GOP tsunami in Wisconsin?
Uh… no.
Voters elected Republicans in 2010 because Republicans ran on the notion that they’d do a better job than Democrats of focusing on and addressing two issues: jobs and the economy. Those are the two issues folks right now are most worried about (and rightly so), not guns or gays or abortion or anything else, and I’m willing to bet that Republicans wouldn’t have had the electoral success they had in the midterms if they had campaigned on anything other than jobs and the economy.
At that post, I commented “Jack, I think what she’s saying is that with just the right kind of tiny tweaks to an already enormous system of perqs, benefits, favors, subsidies, regulations, specialized tax benefits, public-private partnerships, etc., the government-doesn’t-work government-doesn’t-make-jobs will be magically transformed into saving, creating and un-creatively-destructioning thousands of jobs, which will immanentize the Eschaton, if not please a few campaign donors.”
But it was sent down the memory hole, apparently, and not approved.
My post was also not approved. I guess some people only like preaching to the choir!
Wow it is amazing how out of touch progressives really are as to what people want.
Yes the economy and jobs are the most important, but they are not the only issues Americans want addressed. The progressives made a major mistake in 2008 by shoving socialized medicine down the throat of America when it was very clear America was against the Obama plan from day one.
America elected conservatives to fix the obama train wreck but unlike progressives we are expecting them to put thought and bring a plan to the American people and not just ram it down our throats.
But to think that VOTER ID, protection of the Second Amendment and the protection of the unborn child from abortion mills like planned parenthood are not as IMPORTANT to America is just flat out wrong.
These are issues that need to be addressed and they will.
Oh and while I am at it the problem with illegal aliens crossing our southern border and invading the Badger state also must be addressed.
Yeah because a fence is going to help the illegal aliens crossing the southern border.
The real problem is underground with the drug cartels, not the people who just want to get out of that shitty situation where even sheriffs and police stations are blown up. Besides, you and I are aware that our prices will skyrocket once we get rid of all those Mexicans for food because for some god forsaken reason, I don’t know many people who would be willing to work picking fruits and vegetables for for those wages. Personally, go ahead and do illegal immigration reform and toss everyone who speaks Spanish and is dark skinned across the border to Mexico.
Oh wait. That might be me. Shouldn’t have taken those Spanish Classes throughout school. 😀
Of course the typical over the top response. This is not a witch hunt like you libs like to make it out as.
But let me deal with reality (you can look up the term in a dictionary) there is nothing we can do about the million and million of illegal criminals now here so lets try and find way to make them legal, there is no way to send them back. Then lets find a way to at the least slow the invasion of the illegal from our southern border and lets try and find a way to make it easier for them to come here for either jobs or citizenship. I have zero problem with legal immigration it is what this country is about I do have a huge problem with illegal immigration and all of the people who support this.
So you continue making it skin color or language its what liberals do best, keeping division alive.
Really, you’re the one who’s over the top with saying we’re forcing it down your throats – frankly if the clusterfucks in power got this problem solved back in the 1970s we wouldn’t be having this problem right now.
Honestly, the problem is that most suggestions are to make a fucking fence. And what they use are tunnels – the drug cartels in particular. It starts away from the border, and they come up California, Arizona, or New Mexico or Texas. That is the problem we should be getting at quite frankly, and honestly? Maybe I wouldn’t think this way if I wasn’t fucking dragged into the boy’s bathroom a few years back in college because I was a ‘dirty spic who didn’t belong here’ which even they couldn’t get my nationality right where they did shit to me.
You people always say racism isn’t alive. God, I wish it wasn’t, I wish I didn’t have to deal with it, I wish when I go into business I wouldn’t have to deal with “she caters to minorities” or some shit like that. If I had a choice I would have been born white so at least I wouldn’t have to deal with this shit.
Frankly, what we need to do is get rid of the waiting line for citizenship if that’s the case. Do you have any idea how long people have to wait to even get looked at? It often goes on for years. You all go on about how there are waiting lines for healthcare or whatever, yet that is the very same problem for the citizenship of these individuals.
First I don’t think I ever said I supported the fence, second I don’t think I ever said there was not racism in this country, thirdly I think when the fine a tunnel they should wait until someone is using it and then flood it, bet it would make them think.
That’s not what you said on that forum, I’ve read it. You said racism doesn’t exist and it only happens because people want to see it. it hurt because I had respect for you as a sane republican from up north. Instead, I saw jabs and attacks for my race in your posts.
And waste whatever water there is out west for the people? Yeah real smart, drown people in the tunnels and let the water problems for California, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico get worse.
“That’s not what you said on that forum, I’ve read it”
WHAT? I don’t know what you think you read but I have never said racism does not exist.
Play victim if that makes you feel better.
Caffeinated Politics? That ring a bell? You joined in on the snark commentary to say to ‘wipe out my race from history’.
Goll-durn-it! Millions, you say? Over the Texas border? Who the heck was governor down there while that happened?
Also get some laws in there that makes it illegal to hire illegal immigrants. Or are you going to cry nanny state over that too?
we do not have an “illegal immigration” problem, we have an illegal hiring problem. We stop that and the “illegal” immigrants will stop coming here tomorrow.
Good point.