Watch as Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Gifford, among those shot yesterday by a gunman in Tuscon, Arizona, discusses her district office being vandalized after her vote in favor of health care reform, the heated rhetoric of many on the right in 2010, and her being targeted in “crosshairs” by former half-term Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s political action committee.
Update: It’s now being reported Jesse Kelly, Rep. Gifford’s “tea party” opponent in the 2010 election held a fundraiser inviting supporters to “Get on Target for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.”
Zack,Markos Moulitsas of the daily Kos put her in the crosshairs,why nothing about that! or the other liberal writer at the daily kos that said she was dead to him! If anything the kook leaned left.Ed Shultz did say the liberals had to win no matter what it takes!More liberal BS
I’d love to see the link to Markos putting Giffords in the crosshairs.
Rep Giffords on Kos’ “Target List”
Thanks Fred!
Ray- Because it’s a sarcastic response to SarahPAC’s disgusting act. The fact that you don’t get this 1. Probably makes you dumb enough to think Palin is OK and 2. Trying to duck the issue with your lame “both sides do it” copout. It is nowhere close to the same and you know that. And we’re done with being nice about letting you off on this garbage.
And notice that Palin and co. are now trying some BS about how “we didn’t really mean guns or violence with the scopes.” THE HELL YOU DIDN’T. The fact that her or the losers who support her don’t even have the guts to play dumb and say “You know, we might have screwed up and not realized some people would take it to the next step of violent action” shows they have no shame, and they must be taken far away from any positions of power or leadership as a result.
By the way, they know damn well they’re trying to stir up the angry dead-enders, with things like the target map, but they could have at least give that halfhearted admission that it may have been carried too far. They can’t even do that, though. Pathetic weaklings.
The top cop who has/had Loughner in his jail said that he didn’t know what Loughner’s motive(s) were. So how is it that you are blessed with such knowledge?
A woman interviewed on at least one network this morning who says she knows or knew Loughner said his politics are quite liberal. Since when are liberals driven to violence against Democrats based on something Palin, Limbaugh or Beck has to say?
Here is a link to what Loughner’s friend, Caitie Parker, has tweeted:
Here is a New Times article that mentions Parker:
Being unable to think beyond your own hatred for Sarah Palin (and anyone to your right, apparently) and analyze this case for what it is puts you in league with Loughner himself.
Personally I’m sick of the double standard here. We are told to ‘calm down and it’s no big deal’ yet the Republicans and conservatives scream, cry foul over over a bumper sticker with a train smashing into Walker’s head – yet when it comes to aiming at democrats it’s “Welp get over it!”
Let’s face it. Republicans would throw a shitfit if it was conservatives being aimed at everyone knows it.
Furthermore, if you need an example of what I am saying –
Imagine that tomorrow that Walker was pushed in front of ma train and his head got smashed. The person who saw that bumper sticker and decide to make it a reality.
What would you think?
Doesn’t your example of the train through Walker’s head refute Jake’s assertion that it is merely a copout to say that both sides do it?
It isn’t a cop out when they actually go back and change it, saying that they were wrong. Palin didn’t. She justified it and excused herself making excuses after excuses.
That’s the difference. Conservatives excuse themselves by saying the Liberals and Moderates do it too only to cry foul when they’re called out on it yet never bother to change like the rest of everyone else does.
And here is a link to what Ray is talking about:
It would seem that some on the Left have their own anger to manage.
Well, that’s not a link to what Ray is talking about, because Ray said Markos himself put Giffords in the crosshairs, and that post wasn’t written by Markos.
However, there’s no denying that there’s plenty of anger on both sides.
Melnick’s latest blog title: “Must Everything Have a Partisan Political Spin on it?”
Directly above Melnick’s post you’ll find this little bit of “Partisan Political Spin” by fellow hate-mongering wingnut Glen Frankovich.
“The Criminal (In)Justice system, [as run by liberals], once again enabled an animal to prey on the innocent and this time to take a life.”
I love irony! 🙂
There might be anger on both sides but the pure unadulterated hate comes from one side and one side only. Its what drove the last election and they are using it to drive this election.
Had the shooter been a muslim, fox news would be calling for the end of all muslims, but he wasnt so its lets wait and see whats happening.
as i said before that might of gotten lost, this is the best article on it that I have read…
If you do not see the hatred from the left, you are simply blind to it. Seriously pull your head out of wherever you have it shoved.
Yes, you are right hate only comes from one side. There are no left wing hate groups that have ever existed and next we’ll find out that the left wing actually loved Bush.
Seriously, PP wake up. You’re smarter than that. The first step to find truth is to attack your own position and your own assumptions first. Do they still survive. I know not all of my have survived my own scrutiny. But ultimately it has made my beliefs ultimately stronger.
Agreed. There are definitely fringe elements on both sides of the political spectrum.
I think we owe a duty to weed out the fringe on our own side before attacking the other side’s position. After all professional football teams make roster cuts to strengthen their own teams before they start trying to win games.
There are “fringe” on both sides, but as Maher Correctly pointed out
the fringe on the left is the fringe, on the right they are called elected officials and party leaders.
On on the left they are called assassins.
any examples for that sid?
Lee Harvey Oswald?
yet it was the mob that killed Kennedy so not sure what lee harvey oswald had to do with the Dem party.
Super Ego demonstrates admirably the intellectualism of the conservative movement, which today relies heavily on the ” I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you” theory. Well done, sir!
I guess I always thought an assassin was an assassin, regardless of political affiliation.
Also because I was bored, this is actually real since I saw it live.
I wish it was fake, but damn I can’t get over how they don’t even have it in them to try and be classy about it. Just BAM.
Only one man pulled that trigger. He thought about it in advance. He murdered her in public.
Or do we think that the man is merely a victim like the 10 others he shot? A victim of the NRA? of Sarah Palin? of the Tea Party?
The man is responsible for the deaths of others. No one else is responsible.
Super Ego is absolutely right. We progressives need to weed out our fringe element, those multitudes who are packing heat outside of congressional town hall meetings, and those Dem candidates and their supporters who say that if we can’t win at the ballot box we’ll win with the bullet box.
And how can progressives win over the American people if we keep terrorizing them with threats of national health care, progressive taxes, an end to unnecessary wars, and a new green economy that means millions of new jobs that can’t be outsourced? My God: the horror of it takes my breath away.
I’m listening to the news and there was a report about Glenn Beck’s reaction to this tragic event. One of his first thoughts was to email Palin and encourage her to get security for herself and her family, and to tell her how he feels she if being unfairly criticized for her “target” map.
He then read a reply email Palin sent to him and at the end she writes to Glenn Beck “God has the answer”.
Honestly…what is wrong with these people?
And Stevie pretends likes he’s above the fray but has yet to string together a collections of words that has amounted anything more than a sweeping generalization of partisan attacks. How I’m part of the conservative movement after spending last week defending Justice Butler on this site, I don’t know. But I do know that “I am rubber, you are glue” is quite the zinger.
You really got me there, well played sports fan.
Thanks, Super Ego. My mom used to call me Stevie too.