10 thoughts on “Protest Sunday open thread

  1. Outlaws already have unions, Ed. They’re called Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Koch Enterprises, and similar organizations.

    1. Jake, no oneis compelled to join those organizations. Do the employees of those organizations receive pension and health benefits from state taxpayers? Good day.

  2. When unions don’t follow the law, why should anyone else? How many falsified doctors notes are being passed out today?

      1. Sorry I get worked up but this is too much. Teachers walking off the job for something they really believe in (but thereby neglecting those all-important kids) is one thing, but then not having the guts to face the consequences is outrageous. And doctors complicit in fraud should lose their ability to practice medicine.

  3. People are not the only ones feeling the pain in these hard economic times. Our animals are also feeling the pain…often losing their homes because their families can no longer afford to take care of them. Please think about adopting a rescue or shelter dog/cat if you are able to take good care of him/her.

    Also…if you love dogs (and other animals) ask your legislators to support animal rights bills…especially breeding regulations, abuse/neglect, and spayed/neutering bills.

    Thank you.

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