13 thoughts on “Tammy Rocks!

  1. Tammy looks old and exhausted. I’m glad she still has the energy to support abortion on demand–nevermind that now 40% of pregnancies in NYC end in abortion or that black women are three times more likely to get one or more abortions than white women. It is sad that all her arguments about women’s choices are arguments which might have been valid thrity years ago, but no longer match the realities of the world.

    1. Aren’t you glad you (and Zach) decided for all of us on here that criticising a woman’s appearance (as if it matters what she looks like) is fair play? Jerks.

    1. Is murder a choice? Because if it is, then (logically), killing a child must also be a choice. And if it isn’t, then how can we punish people for it if they had no choice but to do it?

      Oh, I just realized you have no idea what you’re talking about, and are just parroting a Christian Right talking point.

  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/07/nyregion/07abortion.html


    These are the links to support the comments I made. I would add that in the twenty-first century no woman is ignorant of safe and easy birth control methods. the reason for most abortions are that the timing is worng or it is inconvenient: how does this not suggest an immoral lack of respect for human life and human dignity? PLEASE EXPLAIN!

    Abortion is a choice no responsible woman–outside of the case of rape (less than 1% of current abortions) should make. That being said, I’d also argue that society and its laws should do much more the force men to be responsible for their children.

  3. Thank you for the links. I would say however you are simplifying it. Not everyone has access to birth control and many others are taught birth control is wrong (Bristol Palin anyone). The reason for most abortions is lack of hope.

    Give people a job, healthcare, comprehensive sexual education and access to birth control and you will see abortion rates decline tremendously. I also agree with Steve and Bill – safe, rare and legal.

    1. Proud:

      I was shocked when I first heard the NYC numbers and thought they were BS. You did too; thats why you asked for the links. Your equivical response implies something. I know that reckless abortion on demand is a holy grail on the left, but is intellectually very hard to stand up for death, isn’t it?

      With all due respect, telling me that I am simplifying it and then saying that the reason for most abortions is a “lack of hope” is kind of pathetic. You also note that “not everyone” has access to birth control. Raally? Last time I checked condoms were available at most convenience stores and gas stations and cost far less that a cocktail in NYC. As for the “many others” who are taught that birth control is wrong–and believe it–I imagine that that one percent of the population also understands that (as Bristol learned) sex has consequences.

      Most women getting abortions are 20 to 30 years old; and to suggest that they lack a comprehensive sex education is a laugh and silly. It is likewise silly to suggest that jobs or healthcare would prevent them from making selfish and irresponsible sexual decisions.

  4. “Most women getting abortions are 20 to 30 years old; and to suggest that they lack a comprehensive sex education is a laugh and silly. It is likewise silly to suggest that jobs or healthcare would prevent them from making selfish and irresponsible sexual decisions.”

    excellent post Patrick especially the last paragaph

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