The Republican war on working families

Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee have a new ad out highlighting the Republican war on working families here in Wisconsin:

If you’d like to fight the Republican war on working families, CLICK HERE.


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5 thoughts on “The Republican war on working families

  1. And what a shock: absolutely no mention of the WORKING FAMILIES who pay thousands of dollars in taxes to these employees’ pensions and health benefits instead of these employees contributing. But yeah that seems fair.

    Oh wait, I thought it wasn’t about the money, but now I guess it is.

    1. Except what the far right propaganda machine is forgetting is that that’s not the part that is being opposed. See the Republicans DO NOT want to negotiate at all. They want to destroy bargaining rights. They haven’t even attempted to negotiate at all. It’s all a facade to destroy union rights. The problem is the attack on bargaining rights, which Republicans conveniently ignore when trying to demonize the Democrats, who are standing up for FREEDOM. Scott Walker wants to be what is essentially a dictator that negotiates nothing. To say this is about the workers not contributing is to be either brainwashed or dishonest. These protests are about the right to negotiate, pure and simple, and the notion that this bill needs to pass or thousands of jobs will be last is nothing more than a lie. These things can be negotiated without stripping away the right to negotiate to begin with. SHAME on the Republicans for being dishonest liars.

      Also, I find it interesting the far right spin that demonizes public workers as if they aren’t workers themselves. They work for the government, so they don’t deserve negotiation or to even be considered as workers eh?

      1. B, thanks for summing up what I was going to say in response. While I’m not exactly thrilled about the prospect of my paychecks shrinking by hundreds of dollars each month, I’m not going to complain, because I’m willing to sacrifice while times are tough economically. However, the far bigger issue for me is the loss of collective bargaining rights.

  2. the working class who union bash have no idea they are being used by the rich to help dismantle the middle class…unions have made it possible for everyone to have a decent living and work enviroment and if you think without them things would be this good you are foolish(actually you are since you believe the corporate elite who have been waging this war). from sending jobs overseas,allowing millions to come to this country illegaly and now union busting it is plain to see how they have systematically lowered middle class pay. all you hear from republicans is how the unions ruined this country.for one thing union representation is so small in the usa it can not change much, the other thing is if you look at history the country was the strongest when unions were doing the best…are unions great- hell no they have issues but tell me politicians,big business,big banks,etc etc are without problems! remember when you slam unions you are slaming middle class workers who just want to earn a fair wage- none of them are going to get rich doing what they do! wake up and support your working class brothers/sisters and not the elite who have it all and still cry about everything….what happened to the jobs they promised a few months ago when they received the tax break that they said they had to have before hiring workers, the time came and went and nothing-just another lie from the rich just to get more for them selves. the middle class built this country,made it run,made rich people richer and now they have almost wiped them out! why do you think the economy is doing so poorly? we spoke of this years ago at work, when they keep depressing wages and squeezing the middle class it we knew it would reach a point that people have no money to spend! well here we are,the poor and illegal get all the tax money,rich get all the breaks and earnings and the middle class gets nothing…..everyone and every class of people will suffer when this country finally fails! our children will suffer, i try to make a difference by faxing,emailing calling my represenatives and this is what needs done if you only vote you are not helping, it does nothing for change- it just changes one party to the other so they can keep their childish fight going while the country spins out of control. help america! ja

  3. At this point I don’t understand why the public unions in Wisconsin are willing to give up anything. Considering that Governor Walker came into the office with a budget surplus and gave away 140 million of the states money to his corporate buddies why is it on the people to pay for that.

    The unions should go back to not giving up any pension, medical benefits, wages, collective bargaining rights and demand that Governor Walker rescind his tax giveaways. If you are going to have to be engaged in political warfare and threatened, its time to take a firm stand. And that is not even mentioning the other gems that Scottie has in this bill which are offensive to basic decency and democracy.

    This whole bill needs to be defeated; don’t give up anything.

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