Topic of the Week: when will the protests end?

Despite – or perhaps because of – the passage of Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to effectively gut collective bargaining for public employees and make it more difficult for public employee unions to stay organized, protests are continuing today in Madison.

How long do you think the protests will continue, and what else do you think will happen as the result of Gov. Walker’s actions?


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16 thoughts on “Topic of the Week: when will the protests end?

  1. while people wont be at the capitol forever, the “protests” wont end until after the 2012 elections if not beyond. I truly think that we will turn the senate by the end of the summer.

  2. I think the protests will not end, but they will appear to ‘weaken’ but that is because people would be so angry, there won’t be public worker strikes, and so it would be focused on other efforts through legal means. The people in the middle of the road politically do not like being stepped on after all.

    Personally I’m disgusted with the GOP of the US especially when I learned this. After all if the If government shuts down, so would the troops pay and help for the veterans. The last thing fighting folk need to worry about on the battlefield is how their families are managing back home – whether they can afford food and utilities, to pay rent or mortgages. I don’t see any mention of protecting soldiers’ families from losing their homes whilst they aren’t being paid.

    Basic pay for active duty soldiers in the Army tops out at a mere 34,088. And that’s only IF the person has six years of experience and is at the rank of Staff Sargent.

    Fuckers in Congress make $174,000.

    Fuck you GOP. But hey, if anything in Wisconsin taught us anything – they’re only soldiers, it’s not like they are productive. Sure, go ahead and say it happened in 1995 but guess what! It didn’t effect the soldiers.

    1. Good lord, I’m not sure why I even find this. Whatever maybe I’m looking for a reason to be angry like everyone constantly says. Nothing to be mad about that saying genocide on the weak and defective is the right thing. Man, I don’t like comparing the GOP to Fascists,but they’re really not helping their case.

      My reaction reading this. I wish I could talk to him and ask how would he feel if somebody said the same thing since he’s 91 so pretty much ‘on the brink of death’ anyway. Wouldn’t wish it, but I’d ask it.

      Everyone, the Party of Life, God, Freedom, and Family Values.

      … Let’s put another gif for good measure.

    2. Speaking from the experience of the last shutdown and serving in the Army at the time, the troops will still be paid. Can’t say the same for veterans programs, they fall outside of the Department of Defense.

      1. All right, that’s good to hear. Still I’m unnerved a little bit by this due to this being a completely different situation than 1995 with a different political climate as well. Considering the conservatives in power have no problem with pissing on the people in 9/11.

        I know the veterans are likely going to fall through the cracks though – they always do.

  3. GOP asshats are (M & I) banking on the protests ending soon and hoping that most of folks forgetting about this issue. Too bad everyone will be reminded of it with each paycheck and with each pronouncement from the Wanker ™ and his bit_hes in the legislature. And, of course, the weather will start to improve soon and that means lots more time to spend protesting them.

    My suggestion to folks is to pick their elected official and/or Walker supporting business and go after them. Develop fun and funny ways to embarrass these sleazebags and to hold them accountable. Don’t try to do it all – it gets overwhelming. Keep your focus tight and your goals clear. Then move forward.

    None of the GOP senators, assemblymen, or governor’s staffers should be able to go to a store or a restaurant without hearing from the public in no uncertain terms. Every service worker who may come in contact (ewww, yuck!) with one of these GOPers should know what they look like so they know what they are dealing with. “Opps, sorry Frau Darling, I didn’t mean to spill the crab bisque on your bleached blonde hair…..” or “Hold on, Senator Grothman, let me call the back of the store on the intercom to see if they have the economy size Viagra and the extra-small condoms you ordered..”

    Practice social shunning – it really works. Make these ingrates pay a social and emotional cost each and every day. Keep at it and they will start to make mistakes and then we catch em. Isolate them.

    Laugh at them whenever you get the chance. Make funny photoshop pics mocking them and distribute accordingly.

    Also, don’t try to boycott all businesses supporting the Wanker ™. Pick one and focus, focus, focus. There are many alternatives to M & I Bank so withdraw your money now and get it to a bank or credit union that cares about Wisconsin.

    Finally, take care of yourself and make sure you keep in contact with like-minded folks – it will keep your spirits up.

    We will prevail and evil will wilt in the face of the good people of Wisconsin.

    Now, go get em.

    1. I don’t think we should spill anything since that could lead to suing, but we should be cold and distant to them. Besides, they’re likely going to Washington DC anyway for some fundraisers.They don’t care about the people at the core. I figured out they didn’t care either way when my State Representative was listening to me while I was complimenting him for his history in bipartisanship to suddenly be ‘cut off’ when I just so critique him for his choice.

      Isolating them is a fairly good idea, but I wouldn’t do anything that they would threaten to sue or anything. Just be detached. No smile. No attempt to be polite. And I think we should focus on recall efforts most all first and foremost. It’s awesome to protest if you already signed, but recall efforts are by far the most important.

  4. The national press is loosing interest.
    Even local workers will be fatigued but we are in a new territory where Government elected and appointed have declared ware on government employees
    This has been the main focus but we also need to keep working on the Fizwalkenstan attack on Wisconsin’s local government, children, aged, sick and honest taxpayers.
    Keep your head up.
    The resistance needs to be done in an appropriate manner in town halls, county court houses, city halls, and school boards.
    We must be heard in the local press and radio & tv when possible.
    And most importantly we must pay attention at the polls. Our next chance is April 5th. Show me what democracy looks like.

    1. The National Press has been losing interest for sometime honestly, along with how it is losing interest in the battle in Libya and they immediately chose to run with Charile Sheen. Even if the media loses interest, we must continue it with connecting with those online, travel to rural areas of the district and meet up with everyone, speak with them and talk to them about the issues. It’s important to go the rural areas on the principle that they are the people who are going to be hurt the most by these cuts. It’s gonna take a lot of work, but it’s important to explain the situation.

        1. I am quite certain will NOT be the end result, after this bill sucks $2 billion from the Wisconsin economy, along with the local pain of the disasterous budget.

          The best line I heard today was its time to turn the protest signs into clipboards.

  5. The ridiculous cuts in the 2-year budget will keep this going, as will the fuel of recalls. Just because the national media wants this to go away doesn’t mean we won’t let it, and we must be exposing all of the power grabs and careless moves that this budget is filled with. Facebook and blogs are a great way to do this.

    Sure there might be fewer people at the Capitol, but they’ll be replaced by engaged people throughout the state. And that’s why this fire isn’t going out anytime soon.

  6. I was at the protrests until a few minutes ago and I would say they aren’t ending soom.

    1. I agree with Madcityman…after spending most of the day there yesterday. Then i saw this this morning and realized that things are even better than I thought!

      Bayfield County Sheriff Paul Susienka said Saturday evening that he didn’t have a crowd estimate, but various people had estimated the size at between 2,000 and 5,000. So the protest

      probably at least doubled the size of Washburn, which has a population of 2,271.

      Susienka said there had been no incidents and no arrests.

  7. Let them protest as long as they want, no one but the unions care at this point about the protest, and the protest are not going to change anything. The change will come in the next election, either the Dems will regain control or if what Walker is doing improves the economy of the state the Republicans may make greater gains……but for now the people marching with the signs and yelling from the bullhorns feel good about themselves and that is what being a democrat is all about feelings.

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