Kim Simac explains God’s role in the U.S. Constitution

Watch as “Tea Party” activist and Republican State Senate candidate Kim Simac explains how we need to stand up “the rights of God” (whatever that’s supposed to mean) in the U.S. Constitution.


In case Kim Simac was wondering, God isn’t mentioned once in the Constitution, so I’m not entirely sure what rights God is supposed to have in the U.S. Constitution.

Is it too much to ask that someone who “supports the rights that are guaranteed by the US Constitution” at least knows what those rights are?


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1 thought on “Kim Simac explains God’s role in the U.S. Constitution

  1. Is it too much to ask that someone who “supports the rights that are guaranteed by the US Constitution” at least knows what those rights are?


    This concludes another edition of simple answers to simple questions.

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