David VanderLeest whines about lack of GOP support

Shortly after his electoral ass-kicking last night, Republican State Senate candidate David VanderLeest issued a statement blaming his loss in part on a lack of support from the Republican Party of Wisconsin, saying, “I think the support could have been much greater, given that we were the first one out of the chute.” Curiously, VanderLeest did not address what role he felt his criminal conviction record, delinquent property taxes, and home foreclosure may have played in his electoral drubbing, but he was quick to note he will continue to pursue his slander lawsuit and claims of illegal collusion with third parties against his opponent, Sen. Dave Hansen.

No doubt David VanderLeest’s lawsuit will be as successful in court as VanderLeest was in the recall election against Dave Hansen


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1 thought on “David VanderLeest whines about lack of GOP support

  1. Vanderleest is a scumbag who had no business in this election, no doubt. But him and his ex-wife are really alcoholic white trash. I mean, how screwed up does a woman in Wisconsin have to be if she can’t even get primary placement of her own child? Granted, I’m sure Vanderleest messed her life up pretty badly. Read the police reports, they read like an episode of Cops.

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