Walker administration official Archer says she has “done nothing wrong”

On Wednesday, federal agents executed a search warrant at the Madison residence of Cynthia Archer, a high-ranking official in the administration of Republican Gov. Scott Walker. According to reports, agent took photos and did seize a lockbox of some sort.

We’ve already covered that story HERE and HERE, but in a followup to that story the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has received an email from Archer in which she proclaims her innocence of any wrongdoing.

“I have done nothing wrong,” Archer wrote in an email to the Journal Sentinel. “I have nothing to hide. I feel no need for legal representation.

“I fully cooperated yesterday and intend to cooperate with law enforcement in any way that they need.”

It will certainly be interesting to see how this situation plays out.


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3 thoughts on “Walker administration official Archer says she has “done nothing wrong”

  1. love the part we she says she works from home and always has!!!

    how do you run a department from home?

  2. But yet the demonstrable liar Walker claims he doesn’t know what the investigation is about, so how is in a position to suggest she did nothing wrong? You just can’t believe a word this man says.

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