Tea Party Nation calls on American small businesses to boycott hiring.

Melissa Brookstone, Tea Party Nation blogger and alleged small business owner, posted this message on the Tea Party Nation website Tuesday.

Brookstone calls on all small businesses in America to refuse to hire a single individual ” until this war against business and my country is stopped.” The war she’s referring to is being waged, apparently, by the “global Progressive socialist movement” which, if I read her correctly,  has Obama as its,  oh…I don’t know… umm…. dictator in waiting? 

I’d love to hear what Michelle Bachmann thinks of the boycott strategy. Or Scott Walker. Or Matt Seaholm, former campaign manager for Sean Duffy and current exec director of the Wisconsin chapter of Americans for Prosperity. Or Sean Duffy himself, who’s just coming off of hijacking a jobs fair near Wausau for political self promotion.

I’d also love to hear from James ” Sqwiggy”  Wigderson, Kevin  “Leni” Been Versey, or even our very own Orlin Sellers. What say you, men? Let the hiring boycott begin?


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13 thoughts on “Tea Party Nation calls on American small businesses to boycott hiring.

    1. Well, Orlin, it’s really no different than what the Republicans are doing in Congress, doing whatever they can to stall the economy and inhibit job growth just to advance their cynical partisan political agenda, and hurting the country and your countrymen/women (people who need jobs, not a Congress fixated on limiting access to abortion) beyond measure in the process.

      Why aren’t you up in arms about that “absolutely idiotic [and cynical agenda]”, as well?

  1. Since you asked…

    Monumentally idiotic idea. And no one takes anything written by the “Tea Party Nation” seriously except a bunch of liberal bloggers at DKos needing examples of “right wing-nuts” to get them to sleep better at night.

    And cute little Nazi reference there. You just lost according to “Godwin’s Law.”

    1. Whenever a teabagger says something racist, the rest of the teabaggers claim that it just isn’t representative of “the movement”.

      Whenever a TeaOP organization, like Tea Party Nation, says or does something stupid, people like Binversie say that it just isn’t representative of the movement.

      How very convenient.

      I’m sensing a pattern here.

      Just for future reference, Kevin, exactly which teabagger organizations SHOULD we pay attention to and which teabagger organizations are nothing more than an embarrassment to “the movement”?

    2. Kevin sees Nazi references where none exist. Then again, this is the same guy whose own blog had an image bearing a striking resemblance to the Nazi thunderbolts as its header image for months.

    3. Well, Kevin, it’s really no different than what the Republicans are doing in Congress, doing whatever they can to stall the economy and inhibit job growth just to advance their cynical partisan political agenda, and hurting the country and your countrymen/women beyond measure in the process.

      Why aren’t you decrying that “monumentally idiotic [and cynical agenda]“, as well?

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