Republicans fail to create jobs yet again: Wisconsin loses nearly 10,000 private sector jobs in October

Despite Republican “job creation” efforts that included a special jobs session of the Legislature, Wisconsin lost an estimated 9,300 private sector jobs in October, marking the fourth consecutive month of private sector job losses here in Wisconsin.

In response to these latest job losses, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin has released a new ad attacking Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s epic failure when it comes to creating jobs in Wisconsin.

Predictably, the Walker administration blamed the fourth consecutive month of job losses here in Wisconsin on “challenges in the national and global economy,” but I’m willing to bet everything I own that if October had been the fourth consecutive month of job gains in Wisconsin, Scott Walker and Republican legislators all across the state would be taking all the credit.


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2 thoughts on “Republicans fail to create jobs yet again: Wisconsin loses nearly 10,000 private sector jobs in October

  1. Good ad. Keep bringing facts to the table, and Walker will melt like the Wicked Witch of the West.

    But I’d have preferred to end the ad by adding- “Wisconsin’s best days are yet to come….after Scott Walker is recalled from office.”

  2. The power of a governor to attract jobs to a state are almost nil. But since Mr. Walker claimed he would do so, criticism of the losses become fair game. Academic studies have shown one of the few factors that actually DOES attract business, is an educated work force, and of course attaining that goal would take 20 years. Or, with the damage that Walker has done to education across all levels, 30.

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