Carolina Stark: Judges Matter

Carolina Stark, an Administrative Law Judge for the Wisconsin Unemployment Insurance Division, is one of two candidates trying to unseat incumbent Judge Nelson Phillips III, an appointee of Republican Gov. Scott walker in Milwaukee County Circuit Court Branch 17.

On Friday Stark’s campaign released a video drawing a clear distinction between Stark and the incumbent, noting that she did not apply to be appointed to Branch 17 because she did not want to be associated with Gov. Walker.

Here’s the video.

On Tuesday Stark will face Phillips and Glendale Municipal Judge Christopher Lipscomb in the primary to determine the two candidates who will go on to the April general election.


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3 thoughts on “Carolina Stark: Judges Matter

  1. That is a really bizarre video from someone who wants to be a judge. That is something that Gabelman would put out. Judges are supposed to be nonpartisan and unbiased, not partisan hacks, and she seems to have lost that.

    1. It’s pretty clear she is saying judges should be impartial, unbiased & elected by the people, not appointed by hyper-partisan leaders.

      1. But she brags about being appointed by Barrett to the Police and Fire commission.

        The question is why would she be a better Judge than her opponent? Who appointed a particular individual is not really relevant in the middle of trial when an evidentiary ruling is required.

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