Since when is it a newspaper’s responsibility to verify recall petitions?

I thought newspapers were supposed to report news, not make it…

It’s no wonder the Journal Sentinel isn’t much of a news source anymore.


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3 thoughts on “Since when is it a newspaper’s responsibility to verify recall petitions?

  1. And looking at the ‘issues’ posted, it is woefully apparent that most ‘checkers’ don’t understand how petitions work or what’s permissible and what is not…LOL! Major SideShow for a tent without a circus.

  2. I wish an enterprising lawyer would form a class of all the signers the MJS is recklessly and publicly accusing of fraud.

  3. For heaven’s sake, don’t these people even know how to look up who lives at an address? The first “obviously false name” they have listed is John Cosh (that’s Cosh, not Cash!) and he does live at the address listed. Excellent work verifying, Journal Sentinal!

    Also, they don’t seem to be aware that circulators are allowed to fill in any field but the signature. What a mess. If Walker’s lawyers want to submit any names, they’re just going to have to go through them again anyway.

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