Why Lori Compas belongs in the Wisconsin State Senate

Lori Compas, grassroots candidate running against Senate Majority leader Scott Fitzgerald in the expected recall election in Senate District 13, was a guest this morning on WOJB community radio in northern Wisconsin. She was interviewed by WOJB public affairs director Eric Schubring.

During the course of the interview Schubring asked Compas about her thoughts on the controversial mining bill up for a vote today in the senate. Like the wise woman she seems to be, Compas responded that legislation of this magnitude shouldn’t be rushed, and she’s absolutely right.

It’s worth noting that no one else in the legislature has made that suggestion. It’s worth noting also that had any democrat suggested slowing the process down he/she would immediately have been painted as an obstructionist by the GOP, but Compas’ caution stems from just plain common sense. She’s not a veteran politico with a sophisticated knowledge of the inside baseball nuances of partisan politics. She’s an average person, like you and me, who thinks that major legislative changes should be thought through carefully.

Which is exactly why she belongs in the Wisconsin State Senate.


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