Supreme Court strikes down most of Arizona “Papers Please” law

This is a big victory for the Obama Administration…

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down key parts of an Arizona law that sought to deter illegal immigration, but let stand a controversial provision allowing police to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws.

In a decision sure to ripple across the political landscape in a presidential election year, the court’s 5-3 ruling upheld the authority of the federal government to set immigration policy and laws.

“The National Government has significant power to regulate immigration,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion. “Arizona may have understandable frustrations with the problems caused by illegal immigration while that process continues, but the State may not pursue policies that undermine federal law.”

It’s worth noting that the lone provision that was upheld, the so-called “papers please” provision, could still be overturned at some point depending on how that provision is implemented in Arizona. The court essentially said that if police stop someone properly or are investigating a legitimate crime, it was perfectly proper to at least check an immigration status and then consult with federal officials.

No matter how Republicans attempt to spin today’s ruling, the Supreme Court’s decision was a clear victory for the Obama Administration.


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2 thoughts on “Supreme Court strikes down most of Arizona “Papers Please” law

  1. The term “upheld” has not been used correctly in this case, and it’s caused some to think that the supremes actually agree with the provision. They do not. They let it be known that if they try to enforce that provision outside of some very narrow boundaries that were set, that they will rule it unconstitutional when a case arrives on their docket.

    There are no mixed messages here. SCOTUS left little ambiguity in their ruling. This law is dead.

  2. Thank Rich I wasn’t aware of that, I’ve been telling everybody that the Arizona law was going to be a win for OBAMA. The GOP is mind numbingly STUPID! they just cut their boy WILLARD ROMMEY off at the knees!! hispanics and blacks are going to remember this crap the republicans tried to pull. See here’s the major problem with the GOP their base is WHITE-usually RACIST- usually anti woman- ANTI SCIENCE- usually RELIGIOUS FAKE PHONEY SO CALLED CHRISTIANS- SOUTHERN OR SOUTHWESTERN- MALES- OVER 60 yrs old. Their base is dying and the civilized world is laughing at them!

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