Three year-old Tripp Palin calls his aunt a “fu–er”

Watch as three year-old Tripp Palin calls his aunt a “fu–er” during an episode of Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp, Bristol Palin’s reality TV show on Lifetime.

What’s most disconcerting about this video is the fact that both adults in the room are laughing along with little Tripp as he uses foul language, instead of acting like parents and using the situation to teach him something about how wrong it is to use that kind of language.


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5 thoughts on “Three year-old Tripp Palin calls his aunt a “fu–er”

    1. That’s what I thought too, but as another commenter noted there was an update to the original story noting that Tripp apparently used the other “f” word, not the homophobic slur.

  1. Kids respond to body language. If you laugh while you’re telling them something is bad, what conclusion will they draw?

  2. According to the link in this article the word used was in fact “f_er,” not the homophobic f word.

    There’s an update at the bottom of the article.

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