Disgraced former FEMA Director Mike Brown attacks President Obama for responding “too quickly” to Hurricane Sandy

Mike Brown, the disgraced former Director of FEMA, has brass balls…

Yesterday, ahead of the storm’s pummeling of the eastern seaboard, Brown gave an interview to the local alternative paper, the Denver Westword, on how he believed the Obama administration was responding to Sandy too quickly and that Obama had spoken to the press about Sandy’s potential effect too early.

Brown’s attacks on President Obama are tremendously ironic (not to mention ballsy) considering his haphazard and slow-as-molasses response in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina’s devastation of New Orleans in 2005. Following widespread and bipartisan criticism of his handling of FEMA’s response to Hurrican Katrina, Brown resigned from his position as director of FEMA less than two weeks after Katrina hit New Orleans.

While Mike Brown may think President Obama has responded too quickly in regards to Hurricane Sandy, I’m willing to bet the tens of millions of Americans affected by that storm will be thankful for a quick response by the various government entities responsible for the areas affected, so that they can start to put their lives back together.


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