VIDEO: What is it with GOP Men and Rape?

Democrat Rob Zerban, who’s challenging incumbent Republican Rep. Paul Ryan in the 1st Congressional district, is out with a new video highlighting Rep. Ryan’s support for fellow Republicans Todd Akin, Roger Rivard, and Richard Mourdock, all of whom have made ignorant and offensive statements regarding rape and a woman’s right to choose.

Here’s the ad.

No matter how he tries to walk back his endorsements of Todd Akin, Roger Rivard, and Richard Mourdock, Paul Ryan can’t walk back the fact that Ryan himself has said that the “method of conception” doesn’t matter to him when it comes to his pro-life views.


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1 thought on “VIDEO: What is it with GOP Men and Rape?

  1. Almost as flabbergasting as Mourdock’s rape remarks is that Mourdock is a geologist who believes Earth is 6,000 years old. Near Wabash, Indiana are several monstrous rocks made from 400 million year old coral reefs. These formed in salt water. They are far too big to have formed in the 40 days of the Great Flood. Mourdock is a prime example of today’s Republican leadership

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