Glenn Grothman is an absolute disgrace (VIDEO)

Watch as Republican State Sen. Glenn Grothman of West Bend lets his inner ignoramus out.

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Haqqi campaign calls on State Rep. Dan Knodl to withdraw support of Rivard campaign

In the aftermath of his“some girls, they rape so easy” comments, Republican State Rep. Roger Rivard lost a lot of support among his fellow Republicans, but not among those Republicans who distanced themselves from Rivard’s comments is State Rep. Dan Knodl. Instead of distancing himself from Rep. Rivard, Rep. Knodl…

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VIDEO: What is it with GOP Men and Rape?

Democrat Rob Zerban, who’s challenging incumbent Republican Rep. Paul Ryan in the 1st Congressional district, is out with a new video highlighting Rep. Ryan’s support for fellow Republicans Todd Akin, Roger Rivard, and Richard Mourdock, all of whom have made ignorant and offensive statements regarding rape and a woman’s right…

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The Republican Party Rape Advisory Chart

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Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock: pregnancies due to rape are “something that God intended to happen”

On the final debate in the Indiana Senate race held last night, Republican Senate nominee Richard Mourdock, a Tea Party extremist, explained his opposition to abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. During his explanation, Mourdock suggested pregnancies resulting from rape are the will of God and therefore should…

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The Republican war on women continues….this time in Pennsylvania!

As reported by Tara Culp-Ressler of ThinkProgress, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tom Smith of Pennsylvania had his own “Todd Akin moment” recently when he said a woman getting pregnant after being raped is “similar” to a woman having a child out of wedlock. MARK SCOLFORO, ASSOCIATED PRESS: How would you tell…

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How to have an opinion on women’s reproductive rights

This just about sums things up…

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Lee Camp: “Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, & The Fifty Shades of Rape” (VIDEO)

Comedian (and good friend of Blogging Blue) Lee Camp is discussing Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, and “legitimate rape” in his latest Moment of Clarity. Have a watch.

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Republican Rep. Steve King hasn’t heard of instances in which young victims of statutory rape or incest become pregnant

I’ve already covered the travails of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin of Missouri, who famously said victims of “legitimate rape” won’t become pregnant, and while Rep. Akin’s detractors have spanned the political spectrum, at least one Republican lawmaker is coming to Akin’s defense. According to a report by Sioux…

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Idaho Republican lawmaker wonders if women really know what rape is

Remember now…there’s absolutely NO war on women being waged by Republicans… Take, for instance, Idaho Republican Chuck Winder. Winder is the sponsor of that state’s “Double Ultrasound Bill,” which would require women to have an ultrasound before they can access any abortion services. These ultrasounds would be offered “free of…

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