Democrat Eric Prudent gets a second shot at Assembly District 98

Those who relish the complicated nature of Wisconsin politics will be pleased to learn that election season is not quite over in Waukesha County. Since Republican Paul Farrow ran for both Wisconsin Assembly and Senate simultaneously, and since he won his Senate race on Tuesday, he’ll be vacating his Assembly seat, giving Democrat Eric Prudent a second shot at AD 98.

You may remember Eric Prudent’s first run against Paul Farrow for Assembly District 98 or, in all the excitement surrounding the presidential election,  it may be just a blur.

Personally, I’m a big fan of Prudent, as he’s smart, progressive, and appears to be made of Teflon (click here to read my interview with Prudent).

I’m not Eric Prudent’s only supporter, though, not by a long shot, and now that things have slowed down here, Waukesha liberals are gearing up to invest their energies in Prudent’s next campaign (Eric Prudent confirmed to me his plans to run again, as did Jeff Christensen, Democratic Chair of the 5th CD).

It is uncertain when this special election will take place, as Governor Walker has not yet announced a date, but there is speculation that it could be next spring.

Prudent will face Republican Matt Morzy, who is, according to a post by WisPolitics, an ardent supporter of Governor Scott Walker and his policies. From today’s WisPolitics blog:

“I am a proud supporter of the fiscal common sense approach to leadership that Governor Walker and the Wisconsin Republicans have shown in the last two years.”

Morzy also likes what Paul Farrow has done in AD 98 and will continue to implement similar policies if elected, according to the same post:

“Paul Farrow has done a wonderful job the last two years as the representative of the 98th Assembly District, and will continue to serve our state as our new State Senator in the 33rd District. I hope to continue to deliver the same great representation to the 98th Assembly district that he provided.”

So it looks like we in Assembly District 98 have a choice between an anti-union Republican who stands with Walker, and a pro-union Progressive Democrat.

The election rules that got us to this point may be complicated, but the difference between the two candidates is crystal clear.

For more information about Democrat Eric Prudent, or to donate/volunteer, check out his campaign website. He’s also on twitter and Facebook.

Photo-Eric Prudent for Assembly 98



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1 thought on “Democrat Eric Prudent gets a second shot at Assembly District 98

  1. Hopefully with the off schedule election, the numbers will be there to propel Eric where he belongs. Had a chance to talk to the guy, and agree with your assessment wholeheartedly. My sign will remain up until then.

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