From my email inbox…
FEATURING: REP. DIANNE HESSELBEIN, DPW EXECUTIVE DIR. MAGGIE BRICKERMAN, NARAL WI ED JENNI DYE, AND EMERGE WI ED WENDY STROUT** “The War on Women and how we fight back”JEFFERSON- With an eye on 2014 and beyond, the Democratic Party of Jefferson County is hosting an event they hope will not only draw attention to legislation and policies that are anti-women and family, but look for solutions and ways to counter these attacks.
“We’re fighting battles that should have been settled decades ago, from unprecedented attacks on a woman’s right to make private health care decisions with her doctor, and restricted access to health care, to attacks on public employees who are disportionately women, under representation in government, and scapegoating working and single mothers. We have a lot of work to do” said Democratic Party of Jefferson County Chair, Erin Sievert. “It’s my hope that by bringing these issues to the surface and showing how they all fit together, that we can come up with solutions that will help get us back on the path to equality and justice for women everywhere.”
Donations for PADA, Jefferson County (People Against Domestic and Sexual Abuse), will be gratefully accepted, but not required.
WHO: Democratic Party of Jefferson County members, and interested members of the public
WHAT: War on Women Panel Discussion
WHERE: Jefferson Area Business Center, 222 Wisconsin Dr. Jefferson
WHEN: Tuesday, May 21 at 7 p.m.
Sticking my neck out again. But in my business, I would much rather be sued by a man than a woman. Also, I have to be much more careful when dealing with a female employee than with a male. As a father, I was absolutely chastised by my wife and even my neighbors when I insisted on chores and regulations for my daughter. Not so for my son. Just sayin’.