PR flak for Scott Walker’s WEDC resigns after $44,000 back tax debt revealed

Welcome to Scott Walker’s version of state government…

The man hired to help the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation with its public image resigned late Monday after 27 News made inquiries about income tax and unemployment insurance compensation debts of close to $44,000 he owes the State of Wisconsin.

John Gillespie, who WEDC brought in as its new Public Information Officer on April 8, owes $36,047 in back taxes to the State of Wisconsin, according to the Department of Revenue’s delinquent taxpayer list.

In a separate case, a court record from Outagamie County shows the Department of Workforce Development filed a warrant against Gillespie in March of 2012, seeking $7,770 for unemployment insurance compensation benefits he had improperly received.

Predictably, no one from Scott Walker’s office would comment on whether the Walker administration was aware of Gillespie’s significant back tax debt before he was hired at the WEDC.

For more on the various troubles that have plagued Scott Walker’s WEDC, read HERE and HERE.


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