It seems the government shutdown has ended and the Democrats have remained victorious in the battle that was SHUTDOWN 2013, as Fox News was putting it. Republicans have a 74% approval, they’re lowest since Gallup has been taking the poll. Democrats are down in numbers too, but retain better numbers.
This is awesome for us because Speaker John “the Crier” Boehner, might have to hand over his gavel to Nancy Pelosi or whomever might get a shot at the speakership in just over a year.
But I have a request for you readers! Below is the list of senators who casted a “no” vote to open the government. Give them a call or shoot their office an email. Tell them that you are from Wisconsin and feel lucky that you have Tammy Baldwin representing you in Congress because she voted with the bipartisan majority because she knows what’s right for this country and our state. Tell them how the shutdown affected you and tell them how they are an embarrassment to the office they represent. Especially Ron Johnson.
Coburn, Tom – (R – OK) 202-224-5754
Cornyn, John – (R – TX) 202-224-2934
Crapo, Mike – (R – ID) 202-224-6142
Cruz, Ted – (R – TX) 202-224-5922
Enzi, Michael B. – (R – WY) 202-224-3424
Grassley, Chuck – (R – IA) (202) 224-3744
Heller, Dean – (R – NV) 202-224-6244
Johnson, Ron – (R – WI) (202) 224-5323 (DC) (920) 230-7250 (Oshkosh) (414) 276-7282 (Milwaukee)
Lee, Mike – (R – UT) 202-224-5444
Paul, Rand – (R – KY) 202-224-4343
Risch, James E. – (R – ID) 202-224-2752
Roberts, Pat – (R – KS) (202) 224-4774
Rubio, Marco – (R – FL) 202-224-3041
Scott, Tim – (R – SC) (202) 224-6121
Sessions, Jeff – (R – AL) (202) 224-4124
Shelby, Richard C. – (R – AL) 202-224-5744
Toomey, Patrick J. – (R – PA) (202) 224-4254
Vitter, David – (R – LA) (202) 224-4623
Well Dustin,
Not just these guys to call, as you may wish to call Sen Baldwin and a few others because we are still sitting with a Republican budget at the plate and a Obama Grand Bargain waiting on deck. She’ll be in the budget committee with Ryan and One and Done Johnson. There was no real victory here.