Fred Kessler forms PAC to attack State Senate candidate Mike “payday loans” Sheridan

This is absolutely fascinating…

Every election brings with it a host of shadowy special-interest groups.

But there’s nothing murky about Citizens Against Payday Loans.

The group was formed and funded by state Rep. Fred Kessler, a Milwaukee Democrat. And he is using the nonprofit to target former Assembly Speaker Mike Sheridan, a Janesville Democrat running for a state Senate seat in the Aug. 12 primary.

“He was a terrible leader, and I can afford it,” Kessler said, adding that he has given his group $5,000 from his own pocket.

So far, Kessler’s group has run one ad on three stations accusing Sheridan of flip-flopping on legislation aimed at capping the interest rates charged by payday loan operators. The radio spot says the former speaker reversed course around the same time that he began dating a lobbyist for payday lenders.

“The only good thing about this is,” the ad says, “we found out who the real Mike Sheridan is.”

Sheridan was defeated in the 2010 general election. 

Kessler said he was concerned that if Sheridan won the Democratic primary next week, Republicans would take the Senate seat in November.

While Mike Sheridan certainly did some good things during his time as Speaker of the Assembly, his flip-flop on payday loans (he supported reform before he was against it) was a stain on his time as Speaker.


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1 thought on “Fred Kessler forms PAC to attack State Senate candidate Mike “payday loans” Sheridan

  1. Zach, thanks.

    Exodus 22:25 “If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest.”

    US already has the infrastructure in place to put these leeches out of business. It’s called the United States Post Office.

    “The Post Office Should Just Become a Bank How Obama can save USPS and ding check-cashing joints”

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