Mark Pocan appears Devil’s Advocate and clarifies Bernie Sanders remarks

Earlier this week I blogged about recent comments by Rep. Mark Pocan that seemed to assert no one was interested in supporting a 75-year-old socialist like Bernie Sanders for president. Pocan asserted people were more interested in Bernie Sanders’ populist progressive message than they were in the actual candidate, and Pocan’s comments raised some eyebrows here in Wisconsin.

Yesterday Rep. Pocan appeared on The Devil’s Advocate radio show, and during an interview that covered a variety of topics Rep. Pocan clarified his earlier statements regarding Bernie Sanders. Rep. Pocan noted the comment which were taken as being critical of Bernie Sanders were just a small part of a much longer (hour-long) interview, and Rep. Pocan was quick to say, “There’s absolutely a lot of love for Bernie.”

Pocan went on to note that the intent of his statement was to note that unlike 2008 when voters were excited by Barack Obama the candidate but less concerned with his message, in 2016 voters are more excited about the message being put forth by Bernie Sanders with less focus being on the candidate himself. Pocan said, “I think Bernie is onto something with his message, but it’s not like people are saying, ‘Gee, my ideal candidate for 2016 would be….well how bout a white male 75 year old socialist?'”

You can listen to Rep. Pocan’s comments for yourselves at the appeared on The Devil’s Advocate radio show website (Pocan’s comments on Bernie Sanders start at about 14:10 into the interview).


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3 thoughts on “Mark Pocan appears Devil’s Advocate and clarifies Bernie Sanders remarks

  1. While Bernie Sanders has walked his talk his entire political career, Pocan is struggling to extricate himself from the quicksand of his own making regarding his Sanders comments. Who has given how much to Pocan for his unspoken endorsement of Big Business Hillary.

  2. Mark, I’m a big fan of yours, but that didn’t help. People weren’t saying it because many didn’t know someone like Bernie was out there who said the things people were thinking.

    Instead of caring all about image, maybe the Dems should see why Bernie”s message continues to catch on. Just a thought

  3. Pocan appeared on Sly’s show maybe prior to the DA piece here, but this was just posted today.

    Not convinced of either Bernie or Hillary getting us anywhere near a progressive leadership, but I agree with the host, the DNC/DCCC etc., are still obligated to the plutocracy. Pocan still claims here to be pushing against that.

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