The bad behavior of Bernie supporters

This helps absolutely nothing…

The boos are getting louder. The chants are getting more personal. The shouts from the crowd are getting more frequent.

Top Democrats supporting Hillary Clinton have noticed the disdain that some of Bernie Sanders’ most hardcore backers have toward her, and are beginning to worry about what it’s going to take to bring them into the fold in November, when they assume Clinton will be the party nominee.

Some of Clinton’s most prominent supporters and fundraisers were unsettled by chants of ‘she’s a liar’ by Sanders supporters Monday at his caucus night rally in Des Moines and the loud booing that ensued when Clinton was shown on the large screens at the front of the room – a reaction that appeared to prompt the nervous Sanders staff into turning off the televisions.

“It’s a concern, and a lot of it depends on how Hillary reacts during the [primary] contest and after the contest. She can go after Bernie, but she has to go after him respectfully and acknowledge all the time how he brought these issues to the front-burner. She’s gotta keep doing that: ‘We owe a debt of gratitude for bringing these topics to the forefront,’” said former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a staunch, longtime Clinton backer. “It’s a concern, but only if we let it become a concern.”


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2 thoughts on “The bad behavior of Bernie supporters

  1. It’s always discouraging how quickly Americans forget the important lessons of the past: Vietnam, the Depression of ’29, “Nation building” in Iraq, and the bank failures of the 70s and 80s! when the U.S. bank system almost collapsed due to banks being too small and limited to compete internationally and Japan began buying up huge sections of an impoverished U.S.– and politicians like President Ronald Reagan.

    Fortunately, our current President didn’t forget, and allowed our overcompensated and addicted financial system to recover when many called for him to prosecute Wall Street into virtual destruction. He also didn’t forget that America had the most effective healthcare system in the world and refused to allow the government to take it over with a “single payer” healthcare system.

    The resulting “Affordable Care” act allowed the burgeoning medical profession to continue, impeded only by strong Insurance companies with the means to interpret best medical practices and compare costs. President Obama was one of my most thankful blessings last Thanksgiving.

    Hillary Clinton, is smart enough and experienced enough to remember all these things and will not. as many of Bernie Sanders constituency is postured to do, throw the baby out with the bath water. Financial institutions, Insurance companies and corporations are very important to America. Now more so than ever, with the TPP and global warming looming on the international scene.

    No, progressives, it is not her fault that she has had to stand in the middle and compromise some things to keep the ship floating, or to make things a bit easier to maneuver using personal email to do her job more effectively. In politics, hindsight matters. I simply don’t think there is a more courageous or experienced politician out there right now than Hillary Clinton.

  2. Anyone who is well informed would know Bernie would not initiate or encourage or tolerate such “bad behavior” by his alleged supporters.

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