Russ Feingold campaign exposes right-wing activist attempting to infiltrate campaign

Boy, some conservatives sure are desperate….and dumb.

According to a report from the Huffington Post a woman believed to be conservative activist Allison Maass attempted to infiltrate the campaign of Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Russ Feingold, who’s challenging incumbent Republican Senator Ron Johnson this year.

Despite her best efforts, Maass’ attempts to infiltrate Feingold’s campaign quickly fell apart.

The Feingold sting apparently fell apart thanks to profiling on the part of the campaign. The would-be infiltrator was blonde and drove a big white pickup truck, which staff said was part of the tipoff.

The woman, who identified herself as Allison Moss, told Feingold staffers that she had been active in College Democrats at the University of Minnesota and wanted to get involved in the campaign. She also signed a nondisclosure agreement with the campaign under the same name.

But after a Feingold staffer began pressing Moss on some of her past work, her backstory started unraveling. The staffer said someone on the campaign had gone to the University of Minnesota and remembered Moss as a member of the College Republicans. Moss denied being involved. They also asked her whether she worked for the right-wing group Campus Reform and whether she gave a false name on her nondisclosure agreement.

Moss initially denied charges of infiltration but eventually refused to answer questions altogether. In audio reviewed by The Huffington Post, she was nervous and evasive, giving answers that certainly aren’t typical of the usual enthusiastic political volunteer:

FEINGOLD CAMPAIGN: Can you tell us if you’re working for anyone in particular?

MOSS: I’m not really going to answer any questions.

FEINGOLD CAMPAIGN: Or whether you’re recording us?

MOSS: Not really going to answer any questions.

While I’m amused that conservatives are attempting to infiltrate Russ Feingold’s campaign, I’m not surprised, given how bad the polling looks for incumbent Republican Senator Ron “Sunspots” Johnson.


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6 thoughts on “Russ Feingold campaign exposes right-wing activist attempting to infiltrate campaign

  1. The dimwit couldn’t even come up with a decent fake name? Proves yet again that there is NO ONE in politics more amoral and flat-out stupid than a GOP operative in their 20s.

    I saw one of these assclowns around the Capitol today working for AFP-Koch and dragging around HS kids on an “economic freedom” BS exercise

  2. That was an odd article. Of course something made them suspicious, but ‘profiling’? What in particular is suspicious about a blond driving a pickup truck?

    1. It is written oddly, but I think they just meant she was recognized by someone who knew who she was. “Profiling” was a strange way to put it.

  3. Guess I’ll have to be on the lookout for brunettes in Priuses trying to run covert ops on our highly sensitive operations out here in suburbia…

  4. I won’t take anything for granted. Everyone needs to get out there and vote. I never imagined Russ Feingold may be our senator again and the prospect makes me very excited, but that just makes the prospect of a loss more scary.

    As to this incident, I can’t say I’ve followed politics closely enough to know how common this is.

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