6 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Open Thread

  1. Here’s a long read for the Democrats. Will let others take what they are willing to admit is correct…Glenn Greenwald, lots of links to follow:

    “The Obama years have created a Democratic Party that’s essentially a smoking pile of rubble,” wrote Vox’s Matthew Yglesias after the 2016 debacle, adding that “the story of the 21st-century Democratic Party looks to be overwhelmingly the story of failure.”

    Myself, I’m ignoring the DPW and anything to do with the DNC/DLC. I’m supporting progressive issues in my backyard and opposing capitalists of both sides enriching their donors.

  2. Anyone else noticed the divergence between an EPA supposedly being more in line with letting states do whatever they will or will not (with Speaker Ryan encouraging this) and rural residents suing to have the EPA run water quality because CAFOs have harmed their drinking water and the state DNR does nothing.

  3. Very disappointed with the DNC vote in Atlanta yesterday. You could see what was going to happen when they voted against refusing to take corporate lobbyist money. I have to wonder how our delegation of 6 Wisconsin DNC (all being Superdelegates, you know) members voted — I see Jason Rae was also elected to be Secretary of the DNC yesterday.

    Greenwald raises the question I’ve been thinking about (https://theintercept.com/2017/02/24/key-question-about-dnc-race-why-did-white-house-recruit-perez-to-run-against-ellison/). I think the Democratic Party has to truly face the music for their political failures (https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/01/12/democrats-cant-win-until-they-recognize-how-bad-obamas-financial-policies-were/?utm_term=.5cb2a4d4214c) before they can move forward.

  4. At the advanced age of 85 years, I offer five lessons learned OR STILL LEARNING in my political journey:


    UNITE & SHARE or follow THE SECOND COMMANDMENT (either is acceptable).



    “Oh, the humanity” **

    *Sir Winston Churchill

    **The anguished cry of a reporter at the scene on the loss of life caused by man’s failing.

  5. Since it is one of those side issues in the news recently can anyone tell me the number of times they have seen a Republican Congressman or Trump Administration member dodge the question of if as many people would be covered under their plan as Obamacare within the last few weeks.

    I can think of at least 3 times they dodged that question.

    How about anyone else?

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