Question of the day: What We Are Reading

I spend a lot of time reading a number of different sources for information and entertainment. Often I find inspiration for things I would like to write about here but don’t really have the time to address. So I bundle them (only 3 at a time but I have a pile of them on my desk) as What We Are Reading posts. I know many of you have commented on them…but do you in general find this a useful feature??? Please let me know:


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2 thoughts on “Question of the day: What We Are Reading

  1. It’s good to read, and we often don’t have time to do it. Some sources are much better than others for you to make a thoughtful opinion, but we should not–as the Washington Post proposes–obliterate your choice of news about politics. This is why I question why making a column about “what WE are reading.”

    I, a lefty liberal, generally like Bernie Sanders in this time. Our family has been destroyed by GOP and corporate Democrat, neoliberal economic thinking. When Sanders wins all counties except Milwaukee in our last primary, something surely has to be taken into consideration, besides “What We Are Reading.”

    I’m not your boss, keep it going or do something less limiting…

    1. That ‘WE’ is the royal we…so it makes sense to use it as the senior editor here. I would certainly like to write more pieces of my own and I have at least 2 or 3 ideas a day. But the other bits of my life intrude and I don’t have the time to sit down and write as much as I’d like.

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