#Trumpshutdown Twist and Shout!

From our email inbox tonight, another missive from the president about the shutdown. Redundant. Misguided. Totally asinine. But read it for yourself:


Since the #SchumerShutdown, Nancy Pelosi has retreated to a Hawaiian resort for the holidays and Maxine Waters is vacationing in the Bahamas.

The Democrats have made it crystal clear they have no intention of listening to the American people, and would rather put politics above YOUR safety just to obstruct President Trump’s agenda.

That’s why we need to do something drastic to make them listen.

In 2016 you showed them that the silent majority is back, now we need you to show them again.

We need 5O,OOO Trump supporters to step up and activate their Official Build The Wall Membership before 11:59 PM TONIGHT.
And because this is our most ambitious membership drive yet, all membership renewals will be TRIPLE MATCHED.

This is your chance to add your name publicly to President Trump’s most loyal supporters, Ed.

This is your chance to show Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer that American patriots like you stand with President Trump and DEMAND WE BUILD THE WALL.

This is your chance to put America’s security FIRST.

Activate your triple-matched Official Build the Wall Membership now:

Thank you,

Trump Headquarters


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