Stop Lying To Me Nancy Pelosi!

It’s the new year but nothing much has changed. Today I got an email from Nancy Pelosi titled: need input, NOT money:

HUH! It included a link to a policy questionnaire and guess what? The questionnaire ended with a solicitation for a contribution. WTF?

Well, the upside, it wasn’t one of those letters trying to scare me into contributing!

Edward, I’ll get right to it: I am counting on you to tell me your priorities before midnight.

Tomorrow, our brand new Democratic House is going to be sworn in.
And I couldn’t be more excited!
Each and every one of us is ready to hit the ground running.
And trust me when I say this: We have a LOT of work to do.
But Edward — everything we do is with you in mind. So before we get the ball rolling, I need to hear what matters most to you first.

Will you take my brand new survey and tell me your priorities before midnight tonight?

I look forward to sharing your thoughts with our new Democratic Majority tomorrow.

Thank you,



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1 thought on “Stop Lying To Me Nancy Pelosi!

  1. This is how the process plays out. Trump was making money on the shutdown, a san example, with same type of emails. If you all want to work at something worthy of your time give some attention to H.R. 1 to be introduced soon. Campaign finance reform, voting rights, redistricting. An umbrella bill that can pass the House and we can make PR traction by making headlines about it in weeks to come. The issues matter and the citizenry want to hear how the process can be improved in our republic. The inside baseball moves of who gets a survey from Nancy does not matter to the rank and file voter in this nation. Curbing voting hours and locations does. Just saying.

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