Why Is This Conservative Think Tank So Afraid of PA Gov. Josh Shapiro?

And why are they spending so much money to try to torpedo him in Milwaukee?? The following full page ad paid for by the Commonwealth Foundation has appeared at least three times in the past week in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. I am including three images, the complete ad and…

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Isn’t It Ironic? A Republican Shoots At Another Republican WITH

a gun the Democrats didn’t want him to have. yes, this thought was stolen from social media somewhere.

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Headline: Supreme Court Says Donald Trump Is Partly Shielded From Prosecution, well that’s only half of it!

While the extreme right and MAGA nothinks celebrate today’s Supreme Court ruling, they keep overlooking one significant item. Donald Trump is not the current president and if this ruling applies to the Trump presidency, it applies to every presidency. And if they follow the Yellow Brick to their OZ, that…

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Quick Takeaway From Biden’s 2024 State Of The Union Speech.

Of course I realize that the State of the Union speech has morphed far beyond a discussion of the actual state of the union into political posturing, particularly when an incumbent is in re-election mode. So the bluster and direct talk from President Biden wasn’t unexpected. BUT: That doesn’t mean…

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Apparently Vivek Ramaswamy Isn’t Running For President At All: He Seems To Be Running For The Head Of The RNC

He just keeps swamping X (formerly known as Twitter, LOL) with attacks on RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, over and over and over…and he’s even made up a clever nickname for her. So you get the idea. He’s just a little confused apparently. And quite frankly, he’s just adding fuel to…

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Democrats Behaving Badly: WI Dems Meddled In GOP State Senate Primary

Wisconsin State Representative Janel Brandtjen is a cancer on state politics and has become a pariah on both sides of the aisle. But given her greed and ambition and the support of a former president it wasn’t surprising that she ran for state senate to replace a retiring GOP stalwart….

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New Steps In American Fascism: New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party

New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party Here is the text: The Florida Democratic party would not exist if a new Senate bill is passed and signed into law. Spring Hill Republican Senator Blaise Ingoglia has filed SB 1248, which would be called “The Ultimate Cancel Act.” While it does…

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Ron Johnson Spotted In Florida Again – Hanging Out With Ron DeSantis.

We’ve asked this before…where does Senator Ron Johnson (R – WI) actually live? It has been reported on more than one occasion that he has billed and billed U.S. Taxpayers for travel expenses between Washington D.C and Florida. But now it looks like he may be throwing his support behind…

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So, You’re Okay With Out Of State Money Buying Wisconsin Supreme Court Seats?

The Wisconsin Spring Non-Partisan Primary is this Tuesday, February 21st. For much of the state the only race on the ballot is for an open seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. And there are four candidates running…two conservatives…and two liberals…in a non-partisan race. Supreme Court seats are officially nonpartisan but…

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The Wisconsin GOP Is Afraid Of YOU, the Voter!

Both the Democratic and Republican parties of Wisconsin are trying to give an extra boost to their get out the vote efforts for the non-partisan spring election by adding advisory referenda to the ballot. This spring in particular because there is going to be a very nasty race for the…

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