NRA Takes Aim At Nancy Pelosi…Literally.

And it’s not funny. Last June I took Citizen Action Wisconsin to task for a photo that depicted former Governor Scott Walker and former State Senator Leah Vukmir behind a target with an arrow sticking out of it.

Now the NRA has taken a similar tack in an article and photo denouncing a house bill requiring background checks for all gun sales. And their photo includes Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. If you recall, Ms. Giffords was a mass shooting victim. This photo and story appear in the March issue of the NRA magazine: American Rifleman.

You’ll notice that the sign on the podium says Bipartisan…yes? Despite the sub-headline naming Democrats…this is in fact a bipartisan bill.

Given the hyper rhetoric running around in political circles right now.,,and recent arrests of people trying to attack media people who have been critical of the president…or last week’s arrest of a Coast Guard member with a home arsenal and a list of politicians and media outlets he meant to attack…how does anyone support this shit.

I realize that the NRA has first amendment rights. And I bet they will hide behind them. Given their penchant for placing the second amendment ahead of the first…that seems a little hypocritical.

But where does this shit stop? When do NRA members say enough is enough when it comes to outlandish actions like this? I understand the organization’s point of view but it can be expressed in far less violent terms than this. OTOH: many of their members support the very background checks that are outlined in this bill.

At what point does this stop being freedom of speech and it becomes incitement to violence? or domestic terrorism? and what happens if someone decides to act on this? Do we need another Gabby Giffords or Steve Scalise type shooting before we all wake up?


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