Buh Bye Kamala?

Reports have Sen. Kamala Harris closing her field offices and ceding New Hampshire. That doesn’t bode well for a successful campaign.

Sen. Kamala Harris’ campaign has almost completely shuttered its New Hampshire campaign, with no visible activity at any of her offices in the state.

The campaign confirmed it is largely abandoning New Hampshire, keeping only a skeleton crew and canceling an upcoming visit. Harris also will not file in person to be on the ballot, a tradition that garners local media attention.

“The campaign has made a strategic decision to realign resources to go all-in on Iowa, resulting in office closures and staff realignments and reductions in New Hampshire,” said spokesman Nate Evans. “The campaign will continue to have a staff presence in New Hampshire but the focus is and will continue to be on Iowa.”

but all in on Iowa? yeah, that’ll work!


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