Today Is Independence Day

On July 4th we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence…the colonies declaration to be free and clear and independent of England’s King George III…on July 4th, 1776.

It isn’t Flag Day, although I’ve seen a myriad of social media posts centered around the American Flag. Although the flag is a prominent component in contemporary celebrations, it didn’t exist in 1776…nor did our nation. And we actually have a Flag Day to honor our nation’s flag…but that’s not today.

This isn’t Memorial Day either, although again many posts suggest this is a time to honor our fallen heroes…even the USO had one like that. But again, we have a very well respected and well celebrated Memorial Day in May of each year to honor and mourn those Americans who have died defending our nation.

And ditto Veteran’s Day. This isn’t a celebration of veterans. They too have earned and have their very own day of commemoration.

Today is Independence Day. Please celebrate it for the milestone that it represents. And let’s also make a vow to insure that going forward, all Americans get to share in the independence that those early Colonial Leaders promised…today…tomorrow…and forever.

And if you want to hear the Declaration of Independence: NPR Reads The Declaration of Independence! This is from 2017.

And from ten years ago today, Zach’s partial reprint of the Declaration itself: Happy Independence Day!

Enjoy your holiday…be safe!


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