With Nomination Papers Back In The News: What’s Up With Illegal Acts In The MKE County Exec Race?

Way back in February we had a big brouhaha around the nomination papers for two of the candidates for Milwaukee County Executive. There were some irregularities about contractors hired to solicit papers and a group of solicitors ended up working for three different candidates. That is not allowed…so the first candidate who used the contractor made it to the primary….but after signatures for the other two candidates were disallowed because they used the same solicitors…they fell short or below the required minimum and were excluded from the ballot. See Blogging Blue article here.

At that time TWO courts agreed that election laws had been broken. This is a Class I felony with the maximum penalty for such an offense of up to 3½ years in prison and a $10,000 fine. I contacted Wisconsin Dept of Justice and the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office to ask what actions they anticipated. The DOJ said they had no jurisdiction. ??? And so far no reply from the DA and no action taken apparently because…nothing has made it to the news.

So while controversy swirls around the nomination papers of vanity candidate for president, Kanye West, it brings to mind election shenanigans from the past spring. There were illegal actions…when will someone be charged?


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