Time To Update My Campaign Finance Reform Policy, With A New Amendment:

Essentially here is what I suggest as THE ONLY campaign finance rule: Every eligible voter may donate any amount of money to any candidate that they are eligible to vote for…but only to the candidate’s official campaign account. No PACS, unions, businesses, or third parties from out of the district.

For instance, I can donate to Sen. Tammy Baldwin but not Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Or I can donate to a candidate for Milwaukee mayor but not a candidate for Wausau mayor. Yes?

And now for my amendment: Currently a candidate may also donate as much money as they care to, to their own campaign (assuming they can vote for themselves…but since you can run for elected office without living in the district under the proviso that you move there before taking office, once elected).

But a candidate MAY NOT LEND funds to their campaign. This is a great gray loophole that many candidates on both sides of the aisle often use but it has caused a fair amount of doubt and finger wagging over the years. Recent prime examples have been Sen. Ron Johnson, and current senate candidate Eric Hovde. Yes, I understand that loans are often seed money to get a campaign underway before serious fundraising has started…but it smells bad…and should be prohibited! And if you believe in your cause, put your money where you mouth is!


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