Category: Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Turd In Punchbowl Award Goes To…. Kyrsten Sinema!
Democrats are excellent at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Case in point: Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-WTF?) Sinema announced yesterday that she won’t support the 3.5 trillion infrastructure package democrats had intended to pass through reconciliation, which would require only 51 votes. If Sinema won’t support it, it…
I Am Endorsing Mandela Barnes In The Democratic Primary for US Senate!
There are a number of Democrats that I can get behind in 2022 for US Senate. But now that he’s officially in, I am officially committed to Wisconsin Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes to replace Sen. Ron Johnson (R) in the Senate in 2022.
As Kenan Thompson Would Say ” What’s Up With That?”
So I recently returned to scrolling through an ostensibly progressive Facebook page that I had seriously neglected throughout much of the last year or so, the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Progressive Coalition, and I saw a post asking people to sign a petition from National Nurses United asking Rep. Gwen…
Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
It was a little over a year ago that the Democratic Party started in with what appears now to have been a coordinated, public handwringing over the prospect of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at the top of the 2020 ticket. In a Politico piece from January 2020 Rep. Cedric Richmond…
Seizing the Moment: An Open Letter to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Dear DPW, A quick perusal of your website suggests that defeating Ron Johnson in 2022 is one of your top priorities, and I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, I recently penned a post on this Blog regarding the matter, urging Aaron Rodgers to run against Johnson. #RoJo Gotta Go # NoMoRoJo,…
An Open Letter to Aaron Rodgers: Run for United States Senate
Dear Mr. Rodgers ( I couldn’t resist), I’m sure you watched the Superbowl and saw Tom Brady win his 7th championship ring. I can assure you that I don’t like it anymore than you do, though I will allow that your particular proximity regarding the matter is certainly more intimate…
This Should Be Rep. Gwen Moore’s Last Term In Washington.
On November 3, 2020, US Representative Gwen Moore won her 9th term to represent Wisconsin’s 4th Congressional District. When this term is complete, she will have served 18 years in Washington and be 71 years old. Now, I have nothing personal against Rep. Moore. I realize that she is an…
Joe Biden Needs To Visit Milwaukee.
Yes I know that Joe Biden has been in Wisconsin…Yes I know that Kamala Harris has been in Wisconsin. I know that a number of his proxies have been here as well. But Joe Biden needs to visit Milwaukee. The 53206 zip code? Sherman Phoenix? Gees Barber Shop? Coffee Makes…
The GOP’s Strange Relationship With Candidate’s Tax Returns
It’s been five years since candidate Donald Trump started his campaign. He couldn’t release his tax returns because they were being audited. I call bullshit but lets just accept that premise. NO one’s tax returns are so complicated that an audit for 2014 or 2015 or even 2016 wouldn’t have…
Wisconsin As A Failed State?
This seems a little harsh even for this lefty but as I watch President Donald Trump push the United States toward Third World status…and given the intractability of Wisconsin Republicans…it gets easier and easier to view Wisconsin as a failed state. article shared by a regular reader. A failed state…
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