Spine Free Robin Vos Flip Flops On Trump

Just days after calling the right wing extremists who are trying to recall the Assembly Speaker because he hasn’t supported Donald Trump enough and didn’t overturn Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential election results, “whack jobs,” “morons” and “fraudsters”, Robin Vos turned around and endorsed Donald Trump for president. You do know Robin,…

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Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Did I Miss The House Reading The US Constitution Or Did McCarthy Just Dive Into The Nonsense Straight Away?

I tried Google but I don’t see any trace of the US House of Representatives reading the US Constitution as its first official act as promised by compromised and gelded House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. If you have a link to the 118th Congress reading the USC, please post it in…

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Rudy Giuliani Has A New Gig!

When I first came across this ad, I thought it was a joke. And the ad itself maybe, but Rudy Giuliani has in fact taken a job as a shill for My Pillow…go figure. Match made in Hades.

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SCOTUS Nominees Who Lied To Us:

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U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson poised to announce run for a third term…

DUH! I said that two months ago: Senator Ron Johnson IS Running For Re-election. But today we have this thunderous pre-announcement announcement at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson appears poised to announce as early as next week that he’s running for reelection, according to two highly placed…

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Whoops…Look Who’s Liking On Absentee Voting Today?

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Just A Quick Note From Mitch McConnell On Impeachment:

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The Odd Thought Patterns of Former Wisconsin GOP Electeds

After eight years as governor of Wisconsin…eight years of trying to contain the Democratic vote in Milwaukee…eight years of starving the city…eight years of restricting Milwaukee school support…eight years of denying funding for mass transit (no trains to Madison, no money for street car, no street car allowed outside the…

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A Fearful Scott Walker Pivots Center On Healthcare

With the 2018 re-election campaign staring him in the face and the Democratic upset in Wisconsin’s 10th Senate District, Wisconsin’s Republican Governor Scott Walker is pivoting to the center on healthcare. After demonizing the Affordable Care Act since its inception and his refusal to accept the Medicaid expansion that it…

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Government Shutdown: Trump Owns This One

The Senate didn’t pass the budget extension act that had passed the House earlier in the week and the federal government went into its first shutdown since 2013. Pointing fingers and the blame game started even before it was obvious that an agreement wouldn’t be reached. Of course the federal…

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