Kimberly-Clark Didn’t Get The Memo!

Today international paper products manufacturer, Kimberly-Clark, announced that it may close up to 10 plants worldwide and reduce their workforce by 5,500 people. Despite having plants in 35 different countries and I would assume markets in far more…they are blaming the slow growth rate in the United States as part…

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Mayoral Candidate Alderman Zielinski on Chief Flynn’s Retirement

And a further statement about the resignation of Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn from mayoral candidate, Alderman Tony Zielinski who represents the 14th District: There should be no golden parachute for Chief Flynn Statement of Alderman Tony Zielinski January 8, 2018 With Chief Flynn’s announcement this afternoon that he will…

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Alderman Tony Zielinski Goes All Donald In His Announcement For His Mayoral Run!

full disclosure: Tony Zielinski is my alderman and the only thing I agree with him on from this video is the fact he isn’t going to run for his aldermanic seat while running for mayor. And he is also correct. He is one of the hardest working campaigners that I…

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Our Airport

This has been sitting on the back burner for some time. A letter to the editor from the September 28, 2017 edition of the print Milwaukee Journal Sentinel decried the operation of the Mitchell International Airport…fondly remembered by us old farts as General Billy Mitchell Field. I don’t want to…

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Democrats Wanting To Behave Badly

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake has been a thorn in the side of the Trump regime…and drawing some very negative attention from the president. So Senator Flake is up for re-election in 2018 and President Donald Trump is pulling a not so nice move…generally party regulars and parties in general stay…

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Gerrymandering Comes Back to Bite the GOP

The Democrats have been fighting the 2010 gerrymandering cases in the courts because the GOP drawn districts have made it far more difficult for them to win elections in local districts. But actually gerrymandering has also come back to bite the moderate and traditional Republicans as well. If districts were…

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What Does The GOP in Madison Have Against Milwaukee County

As we discussed earlier this week, the GOP legislators in Madison are tinkering with the wheel tax…the one mechanism that local governments still have access to raise funds for infrastructure repairs and maintenance. Well the latest from under the dome says that existing wheel taxes are ok and can continue…

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Wisconsin State Dems Tried to Sandbag DNC Election of Jason Rae

I had the opportunity to talk with Glendale Mayor Bryan Kennedy about this on Monday night and totally blanked on the importance of this story. I apologize for not getting it out front before this evening. But Wisconsin Democratic stalwart (the hardest working Dem that I know) and incumbent member…

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Outrageous Taxation Suggestion on a Saturday Night!

Last Sunday, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Milwaukee Common Council President Ashanti Hamilton wrote an op-ed piece in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel touting Milwaukee as a great place to do business and the emphasizing the fact that it is the economic engine that drives the state of Wisconsin. Most of…

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Labor Shortage Solved By Capt Obvious at JSOnline

In a business column in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (JSOnline) interviewing ‘futurist’ and Milwaukee businessman Bob Chernow…MJS writer Steve Jagler quotes Mr. Chernow’s solution to an anticipated labor shortage in the Milwaukee market area: Chernow says one possible solution would be to provide transportation for workers living in the inner…

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