The Election Season of Magical Thinking: STOP IT!

I don’t think I can remember and delineate all of the wild suppositions and conspiracy theories and miracle side steps that were tossed around in the past year as favored candidates fell by the way side. And I don’t have the energy to go back and search them all out…it…

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Impeach Governor Scott Walker!

No, not over Act 10 which gutted the rights of public employees and their unions, not over Act 14 that gutted the authority of the Milwaukee County Board, not the meddling in the Milwaukee Public School System, not Right to Work Legislation, not budget cuts to public schools, not budget…

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AG Schimel Should Go To Jail

Yeah, I know that’s a provocative headline and no I don’t really think that Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel has done anything that deserves incarceration. But I am embarrassed that I haven’t written about this subject before. Four people have died while incarcerated in the Milwaukee County Jail in 2016….

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Christian Schneider Proved Gerrymandering Exists in Wisconsin.

Ironically GOP shill and right wing apologist, JSOnline’s Opinion blogger Christian Schneider recently set out to damn the federal court ruling on WI redistricting and prove gerrymandering didn’t exist. When in fact he proved that it does. In typical Mr. Schneider style book meanderings he starts off with something that…

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Campaign Training for Potential Progressive Candidates

In a number of fairly recent posts I have been urging new faces to get involved in party politics. Well the other shoe in that equation is to run for elected office at the local and state level to help make the changes that you want to see. But that…

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The Last Baby Boomer Presidential Election?

Well, fact, the baby boomers are aging out…and who ever wins on Tuesday will almost certainly run for re-election in 2020…but this is probably the last ballot where both major parties will have baby boomer candidates. That being said, I will reiterate my comments from earlier this year. All of…

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TV station rejects pro-Johnson ‘cow manure’ ad

OK! Now we are starting to have some fun! The pro-Ron Johnson super PAC Let America Work said Monday that a Milwaukee television station has refused to air an ad that includes an image of a steaming pile of cow manure and use of the word crap. Let America Work…

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Democratic Assembly candidate Jack Redmond: Why is Jessie Rodriguez silent about her support for Donald Trump?

From my email inbox comes this press release from Democratic State Assembly candidate Jack Redmond, the challenger to incumbent Republican State Rep. Jessie Rodriguez. In the release Redmond questions why Rep. Rodriguez has remained silent about her support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Here’s the full release. OAK CREEK,…

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Chris Abele proposes wheel tax for Milwaukee County

This is sure to be popular. A $60 vehicle registration fee, or wheel tax, is needed beginning in 2017 to help pay for Milwaukee County’s bus transit system and costs of repairing county highways and parkways, County Executive Chris Abele said Thursday. The new fee would be a dedicated source…

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Sheriff Clarke Runs Amok, County Exec Abele Talks Sense, and a Judge Starts the Healing

Following the Sherman Park riots on August 13th and 14th, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke decided to close Milwaukee County park, Sherman Park, at 6 PM each day. The normal time for county parks to close is 10 PM. In the short term this made some sense but in the…

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