Donald Trump Murdered This Woman And Nobody Cares

With all of the other noise in Washington around the impeachment inquiry, the Ukraine quid pro quo, the Syrian treason, and the continued dysfunction in the White House, the murder of Syrian politician Hevrin Khalaf appeared and disappeared from the news stream instantly. One of the bright lights in Syrian…

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Lindsey Graham Needs A History Lesson

In a reply to the president’s tweet equating the impeachment inquiry with ‘a lynching’, South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham had this to say in defense of the president: “This is a lynching in every sense. This is un-American,” Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) told reporters at the Capitol, calling…

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If This Were An Actual Lynching Mr. President, You’d Know It!

This is one of the cheapest shots to play to his base and deflect from the real trouble that he finds himself in…but here it is: “So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President,…

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Maybe It’s Because They Are People of Color?

Yes…the USA was ‘hit’ by a hurricane…but parts of the Bahamas don’t even exist anymore. We can’t vet people at the border? I am pretty sure that we can…we do it every day at hundreds of ports of entry. It’s not like that ferry is going to drop them at…

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Mumps? Now Mumps Is A Problem In US Detention Centers?

I mean…what the flock? We aren’t doing any testing for communicable diseases? We aren’t providing even the basic health screenings for those we have in custody? Mumps has swept through 57 immigration detention facilities in 19 states since September, according to the first U.S. government report on the outbreaks in…

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Is Trump Endangering Jews?

From the Blogging Blue Twitter feed:

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Anyone wanna tell the Proud Boys that someone else has been using PRIDE?

and they might not to be confused with them? LOL!

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Trump Convinces Israel To Meddle In American Politics.

At the apparent urging of President Donald Trump, the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reversed its decision to allow US Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) to visit Israel . Caught between the opposing views of President Trump and Democratic leaders, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…

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Rep. Steve King Defends Not Allowing Rape and Incest Exceptions.

I was working on another post when this popped up in my news feed: U.S. Rep. Steve King: If not for rape and incest, ‘would there be any population left?‘ You really can’t make this stuff up! Jeez: Rep. Steve King told an Iowa crowd Wednesday that humanity might not exist…

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Who Wants Those Chicken Jobs?

Well apparently not too many Americans. Last week if you’ll recall the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency rounded up 680 suspected illegal immigrants from four chicken processing plants in Mississippi. One of the plants was Koch Foods and they held a job fair. Not sure how many employees they lost…

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