The Question That Should Be Asked of Every US House and Senate Candidate in 2024:

Where were you and what were you doing on January 6, 2021? A truthful answer is required. And the answer in some cases should clearly disqualify a candidate for election to any seat…anywhere.

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Some Thoughts On The GOP Reticence to Defend Ukraine.

I have already taken a position on this on Blogging Blue: 1938 Sudetenland : 1939 Poland :: 2022 Ukraine : 2023 Poland. But given some of the comments at the GOP debate this past week, I guess I need to do it again. A friend of mine recently visited the…

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Pro-Life Party Won’t Make Accommodations For Injured Gov. Burgum At Debate?

For those of you who haven’t been following the extreme back benchers in the Republican 2024 Presidential nomination race, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum suffered a leg injury playing pickup basketball Tuesday night. He’s concerned that the injury will prevent him from participating in tonight’s GOP debate in Milwaukee because…

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Wisconsin US Rep. Bryan Steil Is An Enemy Of Safe And Fair Elections On Top Of Being A Tone Deaf Hypocrite.

First off, I apologize but this article is behind a pay wall at JSOnline, the website of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil’s committee tasked with election oversight hires an ex-Trump campaign aide tied to the fake elector scheme. I will try to make sure I have…

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WI GOP Wants To Give Packers $2 Million To Host NFL Draft! NO Scheisse.

Unfortunately the Republican elected officials in Madison aren’t particularly astute businessmen and can’t actually determine what is and what isn’t a good investment, i.e. Foxconn. And of course, what is one of the most profitable businesses in the United States? Well, the National Football League which holds near religious or…

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Ted Cruz Set To Answer Unasked Question:

is he or is he not an Oxford comma guy? Ted Cruz’s New Book Title Wakes Up Some Laughs On Twitter here’s the skinny on the new book by the 2022 winner of the Che Guevara look-a-like contest: On Thursday, the Donald Trump-loving senator announced that “Unwoke: How to Defeat…

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Trump at CPAC: I can end the war in Ukraine…

Trump: Can end ‘disastrous’ Russian war in a day Trump said, “Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, I will have the disastrous war between Russia and Ukraine settled. It will be settled quickly,” adding that he “got along very well” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who would listen…

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Florida Republican Takes Direct Aim At The US Constitution: Bloggers Need To Register With The State??

You have probably seen my two Ron DeSantis Ron DeSantis Ron DeSantis posts already. But if not they are HERE and HERE. Florida State Senator Jason Brodeur is proposing a bill that will require any blogger who is paid to blog to register with the State of Florida if they…

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Ron Johnson Spotted In Florida Again – Hanging Out With Ron DeSantis.

We’ve asked this before…where does Senator Ron Johnson (R – WI) actually live? It has been reported on more than one occasion that he has billed and billed U.S. Taxpayers for travel expenses between Washington D.C and Florida. But now it looks like he may be throwing his support behind…

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1938 Sudetenland : 1939 Poland :: 2022 Ukraine : 2023 Poland

America’s GOP Kremlin Kens and Karens are vying for the title of Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century…their mothers will be so proud.

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