Wisconsin GOP’s Latest Bait and Switch? The Flat Tax!

I didn’t pay as much attention to the individual state assembly and state senate races at the mid-terms as I had in the past. I concentrated on my local races and the statewide races. But I don’t remember the Flat Tax being a mid-term election issue with anyone other than…

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Dems Need To Get Their Stuff Together On Health Care:

I have been a rather vocal proponent of single payer universal health care for all Americans. And I think that Senator Bernie Sanders has been detrimental in using the term Medicare For All when Medicare isn’t the best answer to America’s continued health care crisis. Americans need and deserve a…

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Building Electric Cars Is The Easy Part

Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, American manufacturers have successfully been at the forefront of design, engineering, and manufacturing of any number of industrial or consumer products. And of course car manufacturing has been a particular strength. So to think building electric cars will be an issue is ridiculous….

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Book Report: Economix by Michael Goodwin

Looking for a primer on economics that’s not all addled economics gobbledy-gook that reads like Milton Friedman and puts you to sleep? Well, this graphic text book might be what you want if you want to understand socialism and capitalism and communism and any of the other ism trends. Mr….

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The Insanity Around Hospital Health Care Charges

I am not going to dig too deep into this topic today, but after my recent experience it becomes more and more apparent that we need a universal single payer system and that pricing for health care services is completely out of control. Early in October, I had my second…

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Lindsey Graham’s Take On Releasing Tax Returns…well only some tax returns.

This little foray into Senate politics and Republican politics made a big splash all over Twitter for the past week or so but didn’t much of a splash in the mass media. So I’ve been watching it for a while and wondering if I should bring it to Blogging Blue….

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Trump Could Offer Tariff Relief Right Now!

One method of supporting American manufacturing…particularly those firms using imported components…would be for President Donald Trump to lift the tariffs he imposed. It wouldn’t take overcoming objections from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. It wouldn’t take any arm twisting of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. It wouldn’t require Senator…

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Why Did Trump Decide To Move To Florida

Apparently in late September, the president and first lady declared their permanent residence of record to be Mar-a-Lago instead of Trump Tower in New York City. I am wondering: is this a tax dodge? avoidance of the Southern District? retiring to southern climes like other New Yorkers? He ran out…

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Pay Inequality Was On Parade At The World Series

A number of times during the World Series, the announcers mentioned that Washington Nationals star pitcher Stephen Strasburg has four years on his contract…but it has a clause that allows him to bow out if he so chooses…within 72 hours of the end of the series. Now he was just…

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Racine Republican, Robin Vos, Worried About Milwaukee Budget

It’s that time of year and Wisconsin municipalities are putting together their budgets for the upcoming year. And as always, Milwaukee is struggling to meet their budgetary needs under the various restraints imposed on them by the Republicans in control of the state legislature and former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker….

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