So Are US Governors Allowed To Do Foreign Policy?

Cancelling his intense truck safety inspections at the Texas/Mexico border…an originally purported move to stop smuggling of drugs and humans…Texas Governor Greg Abbot announced that he had negotiated safety agreements with four Mexican border states. So, is an American governor actually allowed to negotiate foreign policy with foreign governments? OR…

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Building Electric Cars Is The Easy Part

Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, American manufacturers have successfully been at the forefront of design, engineering, and manufacturing of any number of industrial or consumer products. And of course car manufacturing has been a particular strength. So to think building electric cars will be an issue is ridiculous….

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The Best and Worst Metros for Commuters

With all of the commotion in Wisconsin around gasoline taxes, registration fees, and general road maintenance…it might be good to look at how Milwaukee compares to the other major cities in the US for commuting (I wish this covered more transportation options). The five best metros for commuting include New…

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Racine Republican, Robin Vos, Worried About Milwaukee Budget

It’s that time of year and Wisconsin municipalities are putting together their budgets for the upcoming year. And as always, Milwaukee is struggling to meet their budgetary needs under the various restraints imposed on them by the Republicans in control of the state legislature and former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker….

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Transportation Secretary on California Fuel Economy Standards

An interesting push for federalism from an anti-federalism party…

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Do We Have A New Location For The Milwaukee Public Museum?

Developer Rick Barrett has been trying to build a high rise apartment complex across Michigan Street from the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum and across Lincoln Memorial Drive from the Milwaukee Art Museum and Discovery World for quite some time. BUT: Couture high-rise planned for downtown Milwaukee lakefront runs into more…

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Trump Lost $1 Billion in 10 Years but Uber…

This past week the NY Times reported that Donald Trump lost $1 billion over a 10 year period from 1985 through 1994. And he didn’t pay any taxes during many of those years. The world is aghast…and yes it’s a bit troubling that he’s president of the United States given…

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As GOP Leadership Complains About the Governor and Foxconn

and claim we have an ironclad contract and the governor shouldn’t try to undermine it…just remember…we had a contract with railroad builder Talgo once too…and the GOP leadership broke it and we lost two trains, $50 million or so in taxpayer money and a Milwaukee facility with jobs. Just sayin’

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WMC Proposes New Socialist Programs

The WMC (aka Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce Foundation) is a conservative and very successful business lobbying group who have found ready accomplices in former Governor Scott Walker, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald over the past several years. Despite supporting the various business tax cuts provided…

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Milwaukee Alderman Using City Resources to Campaign for Mayor?

It doesn’t surprise too many people in Milwaukee that this last combination of snow and cold and snow and snow has caused interruptions to the business of running the City of Milwaukee and environs. And that city and county and other local municipal road crews have been working overtime to…

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