Speaker Vos: I Don’t Need A Tax Cut In 2023!

Yes, I am one of those retired guys living on a fixed income that you keep hearing about. And yes inflation has taken a couple of chunks out of my wallet. But right now I am willing to forgo another state income tax cut because there are some other things…

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Gas Prices Are A World Issue: Just Ask Finland

from a social media post by a friend of mine who has retired to Finland. It’s not the American President’s fault…just like it hasn’t been anytime this century.

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Building Electric Cars Is The Easy Part

Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, American manufacturers have successfully been at the forefront of design, engineering, and manufacturing of any number of industrial or consumer products. And of course car manufacturing has been a particular strength. So to think building electric cars will be an issue is ridiculous….

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The Best and Worst Metros for Commuters

With all of the commotion in Wisconsin around gasoline taxes, registration fees, and general road maintenance…it might be good to look at how Milwaukee compares to the other major cities in the US for commuting (I wish this covered more transportation options). The five best metros for commuting include New…

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Transportation Secretary on California Fuel Economy Standards

An interesting push for federalism from an anti-federalism party…

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Implications Of Trump’s California Air Quality Changes

Yesterday, in his ongoing fight to punish California for voting against him, President Donald Trump announced that he was removing California’s waiver to impose stricter automobile emission standards than the federal requirements. Unsurprisingly some of his rationales don’t make any sense but he made them just the same. “The Trump…

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Quick Hit On Electric Scooters

Here’s another article on the implementation of electric scooter use in Milwaukee. Some interesting stuff…some fluff…but the last thing I thought we’d have to worry about is an invasion of privacy when using them: While Xie ( Candice Xie, the CEO of VeoRide) recognizes it is pretty easy to bypass some safety steps on scooter apps,…

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WI State GOP Call For Veto Override

Man oh man, you can almost hear the sphincters snap shut when Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos heard that state budget transportation dollars might be available for the Milwaukee Street Car (aka the Hop). You know the street car? The one the state legislatively prohibits…

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Some Thoughts On Electric Scooters

This may seem bit a field for Blogging Blue…but Governor Evers signed a bill allowing local governments to permit and regulate the scooters in their areas. This is the result of the scooter controversy in Milwaukee last summer when Bird scooters started operating in the city unannounced. Naturally a number…

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Fun And Games With The TSA

I must have gotten on someone’s enemies list somewhere. I am not a frequent flyer but for the past 15 years I have taken at least one international trip each year. So I know to put my little bitty liquids in the one quart sized bag and take off my…

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