Just A Late Night Afterthought On The Files Recovered From Mar-A-Lago

Stolen from Twitter

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Fist Bump vs Military Salute?

There are a large number of anti-Biden sycophants out there trying to make hay out of Biden’s fist bump of a Saudi prince who is responsible for criminal acts against humanity. And it is something that probably shouldn’t have occurred. At least Saudi Arabia is a nominal ally at the…

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The Picture Perfect Of White Supremacy Underlying the MAGA Cult

As a lefty, I couldn’t have come up with a better symbol if I tried. Not paying attention to what the former guy has been doing I hadn’t seen this before…until it popped up in social media this week. This image is from Trump’s April 9 2022 rally in Selma,…

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What The Flock Is Wrong With The GOP? Eric Greitens is Exhibit A!

[I am in the middle of editing this post and the bile just keeps rising in my throat…jhc] This ad for Eric Greitens’ (R – Domestic Terrorist), campaign for US Senate hit the markets this past weekend and is on YouTube as I write this. I won’t be surprised if…

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How Was 5/6/22 Different Than 1/6/21?

Before we get to the little quibbles about May 6, 2022 not being a significant date, I simply picked it for symmetry. Nothing particularly significant happened that day but that is actually part of the point. But early in May, a draft of a US Supreme Court decision around Roe…

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WTF? Photo from a recent Trump rally:

just kinda wondering what pledge of allegiance this guy recites?

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The Latest Wisconsin Traitor IS?

Representative Glenn Grothman (R WI)! Today the U.S. House of Representatives voted to revoke Russia’s favored trading partner status with the United States. It was nearly unanimous with the final vote of 424 to 8. Eight Representatives who couldn’t find it in themselves to vote in favor of Democracy. Eight…

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Asst. Milwaukee City Attorney and Putin Apologist (and Traitor) FIRED!

One of the very few times that elected City Attorney Tearman Spencer did the right thing. He too is a thorn in the city’s side but that will have to wait until the next city election cycle. But today he fired Assistant City Attorney Jennifer DeMaster. Here’s my take from…

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Milwaukee, WE Have A Traitor In Our Midst:

JHC! This woman needs to be gone from City of Milwaukee government…like yesterday: One of Milwaukee’s assistant city attorneys went on a Russian state-controlled television network this week to opine on the lead-up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Her take: Nothing to see here. Specifically, assistant city attorney Jennifer…

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GOP Electeds Claim Biden Isn’t Tough Enough On Putin

I mean, compared to what? Trump’s ass kissing of the Russian President? Sen. Ron ‘Traitor’ Johnson’s unexplained trip to Russia on the Fourth of July? All of the hand holding with the darling Russian Spy?? And apparently the Ukraine has outlived it’s usefulness as a way to pass on disinformation…

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